Choosing Calm
Hi EveryOne, Happy December
First, some news before we get into my last article ‘Choosing Calm’ for the year…
My Guided Meditation CD titled ‘Peace, Power and Letting Go’ – will arrive early next week YAY! Limited copies available for now, so get in quick if you want to grab one before Christmas (orders via email only for the time being). Price is $25 – which includes $5 postage. If you prefer the MP3 version, you can download it from my website for $13.99 (though we are still sorting a couple of issues with the link and PayPal, so if you have any trouble paying or downloading, please let me know and we can sort it personally 🙂
Our Relaxation Class in Dundowran that started in November came to an abrupt halt due to several external factors (letting go was definitely a Virtue I had to practice). We will start fresh in 2019 in a fresh venue with fresh ideas – double yay 🙂
Lastly, due to popular demand, the monthly meditation class at Hervey Bay Library will be held fortnightly in 2019 – on the 1st & 3rd Friday of each month – so triple yay 🙂
Choosing Calm….
Christmas is just around the corner – a time of added stress, anxiety, depression, desperation, loneliness and anger. A time when money, family and work pressures are at the forefront and the silent and often deadly bubbling-up of emotions drastically rises (an imminent messy explosion ahead, if we don’t check ourselves). A time when we so easily forget that we actually have the choice to stay calm (though choosing calm over anger is rarely seen as an option). Instead we opt for staying stuck in the www.of.negativity and kid ourselves into believing that we have no choice, as we gladly point the finger of blame away from ourselves…
So what will you do differently this year, to release patterns of tradition and keeping others happy? What will you do differently this year, to cut yourself lose from that world-wide-web of aggressive and toxic vibrations? What will you change within yourself to live more consciously and promote genuine inner calmness, as a way to make a difference?
Recognising that we have no control over external circumstances but that we do have control over our own responses is helpful at any time but particularly at this time of year, because letting go is not only liberating, it’s necessary.
Believing that we have no choice (or lack of choice) kicks in negative vibrations that depletes the individual and weighs heavily on those around them and everyone loses. But giving ourselves permission to ‘choose’ calm over stress puts the reins of life back in our own hands, as we empower others by showing them that there is is another way, and everyone wins. The good news is that using our power to choose will always help us shift something that needs to be shifted – primarily our own attitude – which is a huge factor in remaining calm. If we fail to make choices that can reduce stress, we undermine our capacity for change and indeed, we give away our personal power. Stress is part of life, but what is important is how we handle it – how we choose to manage stress will determine whether we feel overwhelmed or in control. Our inner growth is determined by the choices we make – we can use stress to help us make change or we can let stress bowl us over.
The Fight or Flight response describes a set of physiological changes in the body that are a natural response to danger. When we feel threatened our bodies release stress hormones that prepare us to defend ourselves or to run. Here’s the problem… In modern society, stress is normalised, so the body can no longer differentiate between real danger and perceived danger. Hence, our hormones are completely out of whack, any wonder we believe we have no choice. But the simple act of making a conscious (mindful) choice – choosing calm – for example, will (with practice) override the stress and the body will obey the mind. Not only will the adrenaline and cortisol levels return to normal but so will life – and once again we can breathe and begin to think a little clearer.
Choosing to stay calm in any circumstance enables us to transform these situations because we remain cool, calm and collected – as opposed to reacting compulsively – and at the very least, the situation won’t affect our wellbeing. The more we consciously release outdated beliefs and behaviours, the easier we can recognise that life’s common stress factors don’t warrant fighting or fleeing but have come to teach us something about ourselves. Life can be a maze of wonder or a maze of fear – it’s all a matter of choice – we can choose to make life uncomplicated or we can choose to complicate life, simply by the thoughts we create. If we are drawn to complication and drama we need to check and change the way we think. That’s it! Studies have shown that those who choose to face their life’s stressors with a positive attitude, develop an amazing resilience that enables them to enjoy life regardless the circumstance. They emerge stronger (and happier) after difficult times because they used their Power to Choose, hence taking 100% responsibility for their life – because freedom is the will to be responsible for the self 🙂
Question: Do I use my Power to Choose?
Consideration: Why do I find it difficult to choose? And how can I change that belief?
Action: For the month of December, whenever you get angry or anxious or depressed or stressed or hear yourself say ‘I have no choice’ – STOP! Take a breath and use your Power to Face (courage) to step out of your comfort zone. Sit and reflect on why you choose to buy into it (honesty is key here because to rationalise any situation means to remain stuck in the victim-mode). Change your thinking – then DO something different!
Happy Christmas (if you celebrate it). And may you create much love, laughter and joy in your life in the new year. Lots of love, Annemarie x
Feel free to forward to anyone you feel may benefit. If you would like to respond to or clarify any of the above, contact Annemarie at [email protected].
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