What do you stand for in life and how loyal do you remain to your principles while valuing others? I value freedom, no longer being enslaved to the dictates of others, nor the dictates of my own mind. No longer being pulled here and there and no longer reacting to the world. The ultimate paradox […]
Read MoreWhen my mind is littered with wasteful thoughts there will be no clarity, my focus will be fuzzy and my actions will be limiting. I may find myself wanting to conform (doing what others want me to do) or control (wanting others to do what I want them to do). Either behaviour shows evidence of […]
Read MoreCycles & Time ... Every flower is unique, with the simple sunflower deservingly named the happiest - this earned status represents loyalty, strength and longevity. Sunflowers provide not only nourishment but have an incredible ability to uplift the atmosphere. It’s vibrant yellow ‘personality’ mimics the sun by turning it’s ‘rightful’ upturned face towards it, holistically […]
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