‘Why ME time is so important’

Hi EveryOne,  Happy September – may it be an uplifting one for you. And may you recognise ‘Why ME time is so important’…

First some news…

  • Thank you for responding to my last email regarding staying on my soon-to-be-updated automated list. Apologies for the slow transition. This whole online presence ‘thing’ is proving to be a huge learning curve – thank you for your patience – it’s like trying to learn a whole new topic… In another language. So if you haven’t responded yet you still have time, please respond with ‘YES’ now and I will transfer you onto my automated list once I get it sorted.  So here’s another combined monthly (Aug/Sep) newsletter, as I play catch-up with all my upcoming classes and events … And like many, I’m facing several personal challenges (including painful body flares) so have been taking extra time to sit in silence and to strengthen my practice of surrendering (letting go).  2020 is fast becoming the year of loving detachment 🙂
  • I keep getting asked when I will return to the Hervey Bay Library for meditation classes. The answer is, I don’t know. Council is still holding off on face-to-face events? But I’ve been sharing 30min meditation classes on my new Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfV1hFboVS7u0W-Btr9zEaQ/  The name of my channel is Annemarie Happy Heart. So my support is still out there, you just need to go to my channel and connect with me there.  Here is my latest video https://youtu.be/rMJgUHdCFO0 I’m still learning to edit (with little spare time) and am particularly having issues with the sound. But I want the information out there for you, so forgive the poor quality on some of the videos. And please remember to subscribe, like and comment on my videos. Your support and feedback inspire me to keep going 🙂
  • I’m offering another Hoop-Dance for Seniors (50+) 6 week beginners course, starting end September. If you’re local and looking for a fun way to stay healthy and happy, a few spaces have become available, so come join us, it’s sooo much fun – a great way to lose weight, manage pain… AND boost your immune system (laughter releases endorphins which strengthens your immunity)!
  • The weekly meditation classes at Burrum Heads have been going strong since coming out of lockdown. But due to social distancing we now need to lock the door if the room is full (that’s life)… The weekly Meditation on the Move (Qi Gong) classes in Dundowran is a lovely group, that you are most welcome to join. And lastly, I’m now also offering monthly Women’s Healing Circles 🙂 🙂

‘Why ME time is so important’

At the current moment everyone on this planet – 7.5 billion people – are somehow connected through one commonality… Covid 19!  Some hit harder than others but there’s a general sense that something big is happening on ‘our planet’.  And if you’ve been feeling of kilter more than usual – as if you’re being pulled off centre – you’re not imagining it. The ‘wobble’ earth experiences because the planet has been spinning off it’s axis for some time, is now more obvious than ever – increasing the feeling of being out of control. Any wonder many feel they’re ‘losing the plot’.  Still we look outside ourselves to fix the problem, a place where we created the problem in the first place… So how do I as an individual stop ‘spinning’? How do I stay centred amid upheaval and the collective emotions of uncertainty? How do I become ‘that Change’ I want to see in the world?…Perhaps I can start by practicing turning inward?

What’s needed most right now is internal stability through inner silence and that’s something we can all bring to the table – in some form – with practice. You know, extroversion has been encouraged for so long – even applauded – but external motivation is what got us into this mess. The world is a reflection of our neglected, dysfunctional inner sanctum and the time has arrived when it needs to be healed through deep cleansing. Sadly, the term ‘deep clean’ that we’re familiar with today, is a rather blunt but accurate reminder for what needs to happen internally… Did you know the saying “you are your own best friend and your own worst enemy” comes from the oldest scripture of all – the Baghavhad Ghita? It’s 5000 years old!… Have we been ignoring, even denying our own power for that long, unwittingly destroying Mother Earth in the process? Wow how patient she is! So let me start by repaying my debt by not looking at what others are doing (or not doing). Let me start by gently disciplining myself and quietly turning inward, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel. This is a powerful way I can reestablish my inner connection – my inner friendship. Let me take advantage of times like lockdown to get to know ME better – Who am I? What do I believe? What do I value and where do I stand on things that are important to me?  I can turn inward (regularly throughout my day) and start cleaning up my own ‘back yard’ by contemplating some of these overdue but vital questions. And guess what?… While I’m ‘inside’ quietly returning to my essence, I am BEing that change 🙂

You know, we have the ability to quieten down that incessant inner chatter and the ability to stop externalising, but we need to strength our power to focus and concentrate. Don’t waste time asking ‘why’? I feel introversion now needs to become the new extroversion because deep down we have the answers – deep down we know why… We’re not being punished. We’re being awakened – this is a universal wake up call. And though there are some horrible scenes happening, there’s also positive movement – a wave of light – quietly but powerfully unfolding. There’s a subtle cleansing happening – and it’s gaining momentum.  ‘Lights’ are switching on. The worst yet the best, are coming out of this global situation… And the best will reach ‘critical mass’ and eventually tip the scales – what a wonderful scene that will be. Let me be part of that hope by clarifying within, which side of the scales I want to be on… When I make a choice and decide to follow through, providence helps, enabling me to let go of what I can’t control… Instead of getting pulled under by that destructive undercurrent, I can remain light and get on with what is right. I can get on with refining my own powerful story and my own responses to life, as a means to uplift the world…

So if you’re experiencing fear, anxiety, depression – or maybe you’re feeling justified in using anger, even violence – best thing to do is take a breath and ‘go inside’. This ‘ME’ time is essential for your own health and wellbeing … And your environment! If you believe that you value your own health and wellbeing, then ask yourself – how much time do I honestly give myself to check in on myself, to reflect, to recharge, to strengthen, to refine my inner skills, to reconnect with myself, to nurture, care, love and heal myself?… There are many groups and individuals activating change and I salute you all for having a go. And though many will use reasoning, equally many will use force and manipulation… I choose to use love. Turning inward regularly I can learn to love myself again and through this feeling of fullness I can send waves of love through focused thought and intention. This is NOT a passive activity, on the contrary. To actively and consciously spread positive vibration into the world (without seeking any return) takes much effort and practice, but the result amazingly generates SILENCE POWER…  And though it takes learnt discipline to quieten the mind – it IS possible – and that’s all I need to know 🙂

Question:  Do I turn inward regularly throughout my day, to check in on myself?

Contemplation:  What blocks me from returning to myself (reconnect / interact with myself)?

Action:  If you’re in lockdown, use your time wisely, practice introversion as often as you can. Don’t let this time beat you. You beat IT by staying focused with concentrated energy and consciously changing the way you think. Remember, you are what you think so if you’re not happy, change your thoughts…

If you’re fortunate enough to not be in lockdown, use your time to plan and prepare mentally. Since this is the ‘new norm’ we keep hearing about, then without fanaticism and paranoia, plan and prepare for the worst (practice turning inward) while holding trust and hope for the best.

Happy practicing, Love always, Annemarie x

Feel free to forward to anyone you feel may benefit. If you would like to respond to or clarify any of the above, contact Annemarie at [email protected]   

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