Hi everyone,

Firstly, I would like to welcome more newcomers to this wonderfully, powerful community – I look forward to staying connected 🙂

So we were up at 4 am for our morning meditation, read our spiritual class and went for a nice walk along the beautiful coast line of Alexandra Headland for the last time (for now 🙂 We were at the caravan repairs by 7.30 am as it was booked in for it’s regular service – a rather expensive but necessary exercise – and these are all individual choices we each make. With the car having also just gone through it’s regular service, we were on our way reasonably early… So, here we are in Hervey Bay – the body is fatigued with moderate pain but nothing can diminish my high spirits. Finishing our Sunny Coast tour with ‘4 Faces of Woman’ is always such a highlight for me – another of those awesome choices :)… So I couldn’t have drawn a better Power to start our next part of the journey and indeed, for those ready to make even the smallest of changes within the self… It’s also another one of my favorites – so here goes…

Our 37th Power – Power to Choose…

When I give myself permission to choose –
I am a winner – I can NOT loose.
No longer do I need to be confused –
as it drives away those awful blues –
and ‘living life’ simply can’t be refused 🙂
In fact, when I use my Power to Choose
it transforms all my worldly ‘views’
as life becomes an amazing blend of hues 🙂
** The Power to Choose is the ability to SEE options and possibilities in life, while understanding my fortune of being given the opportunity for choice. Choosing starts with having the wisdom to apply my inner strengths while using courage to accept any outcome as a blessing…. Or as a blessing in disguise – either way, I gain!

** I am the Seer.. With strength I choose wisely according to the opportunities I SEE, to not only benefit myself but that my choices in life will also benefit others. I choose only the paths that bring peace and harmony to all – the choices I make reflect an ever healthy view of the world and my part in it.

** Supporting Virtues: Decisiveness, Courage, Balance, Discernment, Acceptance, Openness, Determination

Our Power to Choose is different from our Power to Decide – it might be worth revisiting that Power just to be clear. For those just new to this wonderful group – we have already studied ‘Power to Decide’ – you can go to willtowonder.com.au and click on ‘Powers Study Group’ on right side of page, to see all Powers studied so far – Power to Decide was dated 3rd May 2014. But just to recapture a brief line from that study – “Choice is about options and possibilities while Decision is about creating direction and the responsibility to see it through! Once I make my choice I come to a conclusion (decision), giving me the resolve to finish the task.”

You know, in life many people are afraid to make choices. Believing themselves to be weak or too afraid to make the ‘wrong’ choices – they often prefer others to choose for them in case they make a mistake. Problem with this type of thinking is that if I allow others to choose for me, I take no responsibility for my life as I will always have someone else to blame!… Choosing – as with Deciding – takes courage, discernment and determination. When I give myself the opportunity to make my own choices in life – which by the way, we each have the ability to do – the spectrum of my life broadens. Unfortunately, it’s our limiting beliefs (our narrow view of life) that hold us back, believing that we have no choice… This deep seated self deception keeps us from accepting and appreciating life and it’s abundance. Choice may not always be easy but we ALWAYS have choice! Taking responsibility for my own choices in life gives me much freedom and given enough energy, will open up life in ways beyond our wildest dreams!… Choice takes us out of our comfort zone, a wonderful arena to experiment and explore 🙂

1. If afraid, start with small choices, but be sure to start and be sure that you ‘own’ them.
2. Letting others choose for you not only limits your ability but it stifles your choice, because after all, you’re still making a choice – one that empowers no-one because now you also have someone else to blame.
3. If the choice doesn’t work out, don’t beat yourself up – at least you chose! Simply chalk it up as a lesson learned on ‘what not to do’ in the future. Reviewing the ‘mistake’ ensures implementation of some sort of change – which is always a plus!

Questions to churn:
1. Do I make my own choices or do I let others choose for me?
2. Do I beat myself up if I’ve chosen ‘incorrectly’?
3. Do I learn from my ‘mis-takes’ or do I choose to do it hard by repetitively tripping over the same error?

We each are powerful Actors on this worldly stage – Actors who make many choices as to how to play our roles to the best of our ability – to bring as much life into our characters as possible. When we make a ‘mis-take’, like all Actors, we simply do another ‘take’… Take 1… Take 2…. Take 3…. And keep going till you get it right! The more I apply my inner strengths, the clearer my intellect will get and the easier my choices in life will be. Remember, if you’re learning and growing and changing, then it’s not a mistake 🙂

Happy choosing EveryOne,
Much Love Annemarie x

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