Power to Cooperate (revision)
Hi EveryOne,
Happy April – time appears to be going faster and faster doesn’t it? Interestingly though, the speeding up of time is just an illusion – time in itself cannot speed up. Trying to squeeze too much into every second of every day, without lifting our heads to take a breath, makes it look that way. Any wonder stress is now the number one killer in the world! How can we cooperate with our surroundings when we we’ve forgotten how to slow down (accelerating at every step and wearing blinkers that say don’t look up). So on that note, we’re onto our 4th Master Power to help us manage life and our time in it, better. And you know, the more I explore our innate powers the more I understand why these are called our ‘Master Powers’. Because when we get these ones right, all our other powers will automatically flow. That’s not to say we don’t need to practice our other powers, but to let these Master Powers guide us to imbibe the others ones just that little bit easier. It’s all about consistent practice so we become proficient in not only using our powers, but knowing when to use different powers – that’s our ultimate key!
I was listening to Pachelbel with my meditation this morning and it got me thinking about cooperation. For an orchestra to sound beautiful everyone needs to cooperate. This is possible when each individual ensures not only that they are proficient in tuning and playing their own instrument, but also have the ability to work with others. If everyone played their own instrument without considering others, it would be rather chaotic. The sound would be terrible and the audience would want to leave… Life and relationships – whether at work or at home – are no different. If we don’t learn to tune our inner instruments and practice our individual talents (innate powers) daily, how can we possibly play nice with others? How can we possibly expect others to play nice with us? The more we use our own talents the more we will want to share them and the more others will share with us…. I wonder if you can guess which Power I drew after my meditation 🙂
Our 4th Master Power – Power to Cooperate – Revision
1. In order to play nice with others, learn to tune and play your own instruments first.
2. We cannot cooperate with others (without expecting a return) when we don’t cooperate with our own strengths and weaknesses.
3. The more we practice playing our own instruments the easier it is to share (cooperate) with others in life.
Questions to churn:
1. Do I cooperate of my own accord (without being a martyr)? Or do I wait till I can no longer look the other way?
2. Do I regularly imagine walking in someone else’s shoes?
3. Do I make effort each day to tune up and practice?
May you all have a happy weekend and may you cooperate with your environment and see the amazing results… And remember – our fingers are all separate yet they work together tirelessly, without complaint, judgement, criticism or blame 🙂
Lots of love Annemarie
ps. I don’t normally share late contributions but this is a special case 🙂 One of our members is just recovering from brain surgery (in Germany) – so if you wish to send a little love her way, I’m sure she’d appreciate it… Here’s what she shared – “It’s amazing, but not until now have all these powers started to make realistic sense. You know what I’m talking about – when we have pain, need help from others, not knowing how it’s going to keep going , what will I do next, where will I live and how etc etc”