Cycles & Time ...


Every flower is unique, with the simple sunflower deservingly named the
happiest - this earned status represents loyalty, strength and longevity.
Sunflowers provide not only nourishment but have an incredible ability to
uplift the atmosphere.  It’s vibrant yellow ‘personality’ mimics the sun
by turning it’s ‘rightful’ upturned face towards it, holistically this
also brings peace.  A sunflower in full bloom is magnificently simple and
when the sunflower has finished blossoming, the seeds fall to the ground
laying dormant ... till next spring, when they will bloom once again -
never struggling, never opposing, just flowing.

In the garden of life every person is also unique, each a caretaker of
their own little patch of life, each working to the rhythm of their own
cycles. A successful Gardener for example watches the changes in season -
knowing when to sow, when to be patient and when to reap the harvest.   It
pays to get acquainted with the Law of Cycles - it exists, whether you see
it or not.  Hourly and daily cycles, weekly, monthly and yearly cycles.
Seasonal cycles and cycles of birth and death. Cycles of pain and cycles
of joy. Cycles of growth and cycles of destruction - night into day and
day into night. Some cycles we are happy to repeat and some we are
compelled to repeat

An unseen Law - cycles are recurring ages of time, they repeat in the same
order and in the same time periods. However they are rarely noticed, so
lack of respect is shown and the consequent fear, anger and confusion in
our mind is obvious .... It therefore pays to be attentive when it comes
to this Law, if I am careless I will easily invite negativity.  Becoming
aware of the many cycles constantly at play in life, releases me from the
wasteful question of ‘why me’? ...

Using my Power of Patience (understanding there’s a reason and a season
for everything) - Mother Natures timely clock will see us through to the
other side. What goes up must come down ... in time. Working with the Law
of Cycles, frees my time from worry and gives me patience to wait and
observe while giving me power to get on with other things. In time all
situations reveal themselves - patience saves a lot of frustration,
anguish and waste, opening a  myriad of opportunities to clear our minds
from clutter.  Your mind can let go of any fears or preconceived ideas and
your life lightens up:)

So what by the way, is time? ... Time is Change. The Law of Change is
another Law worthy of respect. Within the Cycle of life there is much
Change - the cycle must keep moving, it cannot stand still.  Changes can
happen smoothly or they can happen suddenly and cause great upheaval. One
thing for certain - just as cycles continue, so too change is constantly
happening, whether I’m ready for it or not. Are you paying attention or
are you asking ‘why me?’...

There is proof everywhere in this material world that change happens, old
for new - everything is temporary at its best. Checking my values comes in
handy right about now. If I’ve placed my material values above my
spiritual values, I will create much fear and waste many opportunities
(attachment to these possessions & positions in life becomes an issue and
life ceases to be fun).

If I resist this inevitable change and don’t accept the process as
necessary yet opportunistic (all situations bring benefit), I will
struggle against the tide and end up exhausted, confused and angry. Using
‘time’ wisely means I don’t oppose natural Laws and others won’t oppose me
- I will be able to flow smoothly with what is happening. The ability to
check and change my own attitude consistently, enables me to remain stable
at times of stress and chaos - making it easier for others to cooperate
with me. I must not  wait for the right ‘time’ to change or wait for
others to change, otherwise my major opposition in life will be life
itself. So ask yourself; do I want to flow, or do I want to fight? When I
flow with life, I can contribute to more possibilities  ...

The ever-happy sunflower is great proof of smooth, ever-changing cycles -
it doesn’t fight it but flows with it. Wonderful newness (like spring)
awaits us when we let go of old fears...  Power is not in looking back,
but in looking forward, empowering us to ‘fight’ our own ignorance and
‘flow’ with change - creating healthy, life-giving cycles, sustaining
enthusiasm and happiness.

Question: Do you tend to ignore natural Laws, get caught up and waste time
fighting change?

Consideration: Why do you fight it? And, what stops you from moving forward?

Activity: Visualize ... Picture ... SEE all the wonderful possibilities in
life.  Spend a few minutes each day deep within - wandering through your
minds eye.  Dream big ... What will you do when you know that victory is
guaranteed? Really Imagine doing it, then ....... do it - one baby step at
a time ....... but DO IT!!! Do something practical each single day towards
your goal, your aim, your VISION - no matter how tiny. The past is gone -
there is no Power there, LET GO :)
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