What do you stand for in life and how loyal do you remain to your principles while valuing others?

I value freedom, no longer being enslaved to the dictates of others, nor the dictates of my own mind. No longer being pulled here and there and no longer reacting to the world. The ultimate paradox in life is that to become free I must commit to total self discipline, self motivation and self respect. This stops me committing actions that may be limiting, negative or even destructive and stops me from weighing myself and others down. It enables me to stay on track easily and enthusiastically – my love will have no strings attached because I know who I am!

Compromising or sacrificing my virtues to please others, leaves me at the mercy of the world – I will lack power to change and I will instantly lose value. How can others value me when I do not value myself? Recognition of this fact is so humbling that I must act upon this realisation instantly if I am to reclaim my power. The longer I wait, the more power I lose. We each have precious gifts to share, apply them generously and life abounds with endless possibilities. It generates power and gives us value.

Action: Check and Change yourself so you can fly. value SEE if any virtue is being compromised – stop it instantly, apply a firm brake and change direction. Spend a few minutes in silence and self reflection each day, ask yourself ‘ What am I worth and does my life reflect that?’. Recognise your own beauty and cultivate your power (one day at a time). Be honest, truth has value and acceptance is kinder than resistance 🙂

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