When my mind is littered with wasteful thoughts there will be no clarity, my focus will be fuzzy and my actions will be limiting. I may find myself wanting to conform (doing what others want me to do) or control (wanting others to do what I want them to do).  Either behaviour shows evidence of an unclear mind filled with incessant wasteful chatter that will impact my life in a negative, even destructive way. It stifles not only my power, creativity and growth, but it influences my self worth as well.

If I don’t value myself it will proof difficult to value others.  I may become fearful and arrogant, making it all too easy to sit in judgment of others while I lack courage to step out of my comfort zone. I will disempower myself as I become complacent and careless about the choices I make in life and start to walk the path of doubt – leaving me no power to make any positive change.

Where may you be conforming or controlling that has a negative impact on your life?

Action:  Think about what you DO want in life, don’t waste time thinking about what you don’t want. Become clear on what you want (your vision), it gives you a focal point and saves a lot of time and energy.  Then do something practical towards your vision each single day to bring it into reality. Just begin it – anywhere will do, take one tiny baby step towards it, then another and another. One tiny baby step each single day is doable and keeps us enthusiastically moving towards our aim. Using our Spiritual Values as our compass, gives us power to adjust and tweak it along the way.

When I remain busy using my power to create wonder in my life, I will not waste time in my actions to conform or control.

Have a magical day, Annemarie 🙂


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