Hi EveryOne,   

Here I am! I’ve been rather quiet here of late but since so much is happening – and as we prepare to move onto our property in a few weeks – that’s life 🙂 Though please remember you can always catch me on my Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfV1hFboVS7u0W-Btr9zEaQ. So thank you for your emails (and concern) – I’m actually well and giving myself more time in silence and self nurturing – without guilt… “If not now, when”, right? 

Some news..

  • Firstly, you probably noticed my Gmail account – I finally managed to (part) transfer my contacts.
  • I am no longer offering physical treatments and will only be offering Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy, as I transition into semi-retirement and incrementally pull back, to give myself more time for healing, for silence, for service and for self sustained living 🙂
  • Classes for 2021 – Meditation at Roz’s Happy Place (Burrum Heads) continues every Wednesday morning 7.45 – 8.45. If door is locked it means the room is full (covid distancing).
  • The fortnightly meditation classes at Hervey Bay Library won’t be returning due to an abrupt change in their schedule. Instead I will now offer a quarterly 2hour meditation workshop. Here is the link https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/restoring-inner-harmony-meditation-with-annemarie-de-seriere-tickets-144119849349?aff=ebdsoporgprofile# 
  • Just finished our last 6 week ‘HoopDance for Seniors’ Course in the Fraser Coast Region. Though I will consider doing a Hoop-Flow session now and then in Burrum Heads for those who finished the beginners course.
  • A Hoop-Qi 2hr workshop that I’m offering end April will be my last Hooping event in the Fraser Coast
  • I look forward to the day I will be able to offer retreats / workshops at our property… But since that’s a while off and I can’t plan too far ahead at the moment – please stay tuned…

Surrender into Silence… 

As life appears to be getting more chaotic and out of control – have you considered the practice of surrendering into silence?  Surrendering (letting go) and becoming silent is indeed an art, it requires skill that is well worth the effort because it enables your inner brake to work more efficiently. Regularly pulling yourself up (with love) opens a space for you to self reflect – to ask yourself before taking any action – will this behaviour damage someone?…  This ‘someone’ must include ME so that the moment I realise that it can hurt ‘someone’, I will easily be able to apply the brake, turn inward and ‘check and change’ myself on the spot.  No use denying or justifying or punishing myself – instead let me not sit in sorrow with what I may have done wrong. I must let it go (surrender into silence) and get on with what is right. And that is power!

Surrendering what you can’t control is to not only liberate yourself, it also gives others an opportunity to do the same (what they do with that chance is up to them).  Regularly becoming silent allows you to move along in waves of pure thoughts – and whenever you want – you can go to the bottom of the ocean of your own mind and become the form of silence… Pure silence brings clarity and courage, making the process of letting go, easier…

Understanding the power in silence and letting go – why then do we let ourselves get bogged down with the mundane?… Why do we let the negativities, competitiveness and opinions of others weigh heavily on us? What drives this deep invisible urge to impress, please or control others?… Because we have lost control of our own instrument. When we don’t regularly stabilise ourselves in the practice of sitting silently on our lotus throne – in our heart and in our mind – we will easily be tempted to step off, into an arena where we have no power.  The moment the creation (your thoughts) becomes bigger than the creator (you) your disempowering habits become more powerful than your intention to heal. This is the exact moment in time to surrender into silence… However, ‘killing off’ bad habits (killing off old parts of our ego) is a form of dying – and this detachment process is dreaded by most due to the misconception that we are losing something. So we ignore, deny, resist, fight – causing ourselves and our loved ones so much pain.  But shedding has to happen. Surrendering and letting go has to happen… One ending is always a new beginning and the only way out to the other side, is through… So take a breath… Let go… Trust… Surrender… And simply BE silent.

Question: Do you experience fluctuation in your life?

Contemplation: Why do you think you go up and down like a yoyo?

Activity: Throughout your day apply a brake, no matter what you are doing. Stop for one minute to be silent and surrender… This is a good opportunity to ‘check and change’ your thoughts and attitude from heavy into light. Don’t wait – do it immediately so you don’t get a chance to find ‘reasons’ why not to change. Just be grateful for the opportunity to recognize it and change it. This helps delete outdated limiting habits and helps create new healthy behavior patterns.  Start by setting an alarm on your phone every hour to remind you to stop, to breathe, to be silent and surrender 🙂 

Lots of love Annemarie


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