Power to Withdraw (Revision) – part 3

Hi Everyone,

Loving greetings from Childers (Bundaberg Region). Our 6 year Nomadic-life-experience has brought us to this place with the intention of opening a meditation/healing retreat centre within the next 1 – 2 years. Though I’ve been searching for meaning as long as I can remember and learning spiritually for 28 years – I’ve learnt more (acceptingly) in the past 6 years. And this amazing Power is just one of my many Powers that have helped me get real with myself. For example – allowing myself to turn inward many times over the last few months broke a destructive spiral Col and I were being pulled into. It has helped bring us back on track – hence, here we are 🙂 That’s not to say life will always be smooth but simply another reminder, that it’s up to ourselves to apply our powers to receive clearer answers… Our virtues can only give us power in our lives when we apply them. So become a Virtue ‘Practitioner’ to experience power and ultimately peace, in your life…

It’s been tough but thanks to our many individual powers (and individual effort) we made it through this part of our journey. I recognise and accept those times when life got the better of me, reverting back to old ways automatically denying my power… Today I can breathe calmly again – my virtues kept my head above water – my virtues will always keep me going! Without them I shudder to think where I ‘could’ be …

Here are your contributions – thank you 🙂

> Many love (and are learning to love) this Power, as the “magic within” “reveals itself” as “powerful result………………… (Yay, that’s so wonderful to hear – your ‘own fruit’!)

> Some are able to manage ADHD; ADD; OCD; anxiety; depression; anger; erratic and emotional impulses – enabling them to “respond rather than react”………………….. (WoW! You guys are amazing, thank you for sharing 🙂 🙂 🙂

> Some find this power challenging due to “noisy mind”, “noisy thoughts”, “destructive inner language” …………………. (To recognise and identify some of that ‘white noise’ is a wonderful start. Now simply keep going, you’re doing great 🙂

> Ability to “go within and think about options”; allowing self “processing time”; enabling self to “slow down” and get off the “mouse-wheel”; “to re-charge batteries – soul battery”; to “re-group” or “re-centre”; to “nurture relationships with children / partners / work colleagues; to “stop making excuses”……………….. (Love this, keep up the great work!)

> Awareness of “jumping out of own power” to “step in on others” and “worrying about others” ……………………… (Fantastic recognition, well done)

> Some have reached awareness of using “shadow side of power” instead of consciously withdrawing “dissociating” instead. Trying to “win against people but losing battle”. “Using every ounce of strength”. Focusing on “winning and losing” on “me and them” ……………………. (Wonderful, be gentle but firm -‘tough love’ for self – change starts with recognition 🙂

> Regardless of their “tough situation” ability to see their “fortune” – “amazing family” ; “loving friends” ; “supportive partners”; “life opportunities” ………………….. (Yes, to see benefit regardless the situation is the wonder of this power)

> This Powers requires “ongoing practice that requires consistent commitment” which provides a “good grounding in every day interactions”…………. (Beautiful, yes indeed – ongoing practice 🙂

> Some “love their re-found power” in enabling them to “be an observer” – using other powers also. Power to Discern; Power to Listen; Power to Tolerate; Power to Pack-Up; Power to Face; Power to be Patient; Power to Judge……………….. (So Powerful!!!)

> This Power allows “respect and acceptance” ; “contribution from a place of stillness and peace” ; “reduces emotional outbursts”; less “ego-based reactions” ; “contentment and calmness”; “true co-operation – no strings attached” ………………….. (Yessss!!! Fantastic

This brings us to the last of our 8 Master Powers, re-visit them often as they form a very solid base for all our other powers – the ‘foundation’ for your spiritual practice… A house built on sand will shake and crumble with the slightest disturbance, but one with a solid foundation can withstand even the biggest tremors 🙂 So 8 down and 43 powers to go. 1st September signals the beginning of a new season, a perfect time to start revising our remainder 13 Powers that make up the 21 Powers in my first book Will to Wonder. Now ‘refine’ and sharpen them – keep polishing your inner diamond till you sparkle inside-out.

Lots of love Annemarie

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