Power to Tolerate (revision) part 3

Hi Everyone,

Firstly, thank you for all your lovely support, it’s always appreciated. My intention when sharing any challenging situation with this amazing group is simply to demonstrate how easily we can get caught out, when we take our eye off the ball – even for a second. And though we individually have to work through old ‘stuff’ that can pull us back in at any time, it’s so nice that we are able to support each other through it 🙂 I share these situations with honesty (regardless of any discomfort) as examples, to show how they can still catch me off-guard if I’m not paying attention. Sharing how I work through them the best way I can with as minimal damage as possible, is my aim. Learning to identify which are our best tools (powers) for the ‘job’ at hand is beneficial in all circumstances. So I feel by sharing honestly and openly we begin to accept change as a continual learning process – it’s not an event that happens in a single event – that would be too easy 🙂 Being gentle but firm with ourselves is therefore imperative. And you know, I think something is working because the stories you each share with me are so raw and honest, they’re just beautiful (it’s the best kind of feedback I can receive). So thank you for digging so deep – I always feel so privileged to be a part of this powerful group 🙂

Here are your contributions…

> Many have “lots going on” and are “facing uncertainties” about “jobs”, “relationships”, “family” and “friendships”. The boundaries between tolerance and putting up with stuff has become somewhat “blurry” for many…………………… (Pat yourselves on the back for at least stopping and recognising 🙂

> Many are finding this power a rather difficult one to grasp due to that blurry boundary ………………… (This is not an easy one to learn but powerful once you do, so keep going – one baby step after another – it DOES and WILL get better! And remember, I’m just an email away)

> Many are finding great value in practicing the exercise of ‘checking and changing’ themselves (their thoughts, words and actions)………………. …………(Wonderful, this is one of my main tools for change 🙂
Understanding their own “limitations” helps with practicing tolerance ………….. (Fantastic)

> Some recognised where they “thought they had been tolerant”, they had actually been putting up with “others behaviours” and at times even “collaborating with others in their negative behaviour” then “judging them afterwards” ………………….. (Wow, beautiful, well done)

> Recognition of being “highly motivated” by “positive approval” from others allowed them to be “walked over” ………………. (Ah yes, there’s that fine line – well done 🙂

> Recognition of ‘putting up with’ other’s bad behaviour because it made them “feel better about own behaviour”. Then allowed self to “sit with realisation to let go of guilt” about it. It helped to sit and realise that “they are souls who have forgotten their original qualities” and “now on path, don’t want to turn back” ……………….. (Wow your honesty is inspiring!)

> Some find families (in particular in-laws) can be very testing in regards to tolerance but are “realising their own inner strengths” by “looking inside and using their powers” …………………. (Love it 🙂
Many could relate to my story and again are understanding the “power of their own qualities” to “help them” in situations now, enabling them to let go of the past …………………….. (Great to hear, yes we need to let it go of what we can’t change – including the past – and get on with what is right 🙂

> Some of the other Powers being used to strengthen Tolerance – Power to Withdraw; Power to Pack up; Power to Discern; Power of Silence; Power to Respect; Power of Compassion; Power to be Flexible; Power to be Positive ……………… (I just love how you’re all realising the power of using different Powers – Fantastic 🙂

> Many are enjoying the revision as means to be “reminded” to “stop and take notice again” to help them “check and change” themselves ………………….. (Awesome)

> A quote someone shared which happens to be one of my favourites “Everything can be taken from a man but the last of human freedoms – the ability to choose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances, to choose one’s way” by Victor Frankl ……………………… (Thank you 🙂

> Some made effort to let me know that they may not be contributing much but they are absorbing the emails and always feel more “positive”; “open to seeing the good in life”; “taking better self-care”; “being more kind to self” after reading emails………………….. (Thanks so much for sharing – you’re still contributing 🙂

> “Appreciating my story” allowed them to “reflect on their own” ………….. (YES!!!)

> Noticing how “easily can sit in judgement of others and their inappropriate behaviour” and recognition that this is “not constructive” …………………. (Wow, so wonderful)

> Learnt that “confronting” certain individuals does’t work so knowing “when to speak up” and “when to step away” ………………………. (Great work!))

> Realisation that tolerance is “closely tied to expectations related to how a person was raised” and now able to “not project own values on others” to let “other individual be as they are” …………… Beautiful Tolerance – well done!)

So there we have it, another amazing Power a little bit more consolidated and tied firmly onto our tool-belt of life… Keep up the amazing work – ‘see you’ in the 4th Power shortly 🙂

Keep shining everyone, lots of love Annemarie

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