Power to Judge – Revision – Part 3

Judge the accuracy of your own life, not those of others

Hi Everyone,

Sounds like our Power to Judge challenged all of us – how wonderful 🙂

Challenge is not a bad thing because it helps us step out of our comfort zone. It creates a platform for us to think, do and be differently. Instead of doing the same things in the same way over and over and over wondering why nothing changes, by simply considering our inner powers we are already thinking, doing and being different. So never run from a challenge or see it as a mistake, but just another chance to look at ourselves and the world through different lenses. You see, we are not taught to self reflect, so silence and contemplation often brings fear (better not to look at that ‘stuff’). But how do we get rid of ‘stuff’ if we deny we even carry it – preferring to project, judge or blame externals – usually on a subconscious level. So pay attention and learn to put a full stop to negative thoughts. When we start rationalising or justifying our actions (no matter how ‘true’ we believe it to be) we are on the defensive. It’s a coping mechanism that covers some insecurity or self doubt, but it also means that our next step is to project, judge or blame somewhere else.This is why I love this group – it gets us thinking about our strengths and it’s helping us reclaim our power, by learning how to use them accurately in our lives – one baby step at a time. It teaches us self love, self respect and self care – which in the long term benefits everyone 🙂

Here are your contributions…

  •  Many were challenged by this power………… (You’re not alone!)

  • Many understand first-hand what it’s like to be judged, including self judgement! ……………. (You’re definitely not alone!)
  • Practicing self-care has helped some to not judge others …………… (Such a powerful way to reclaim your power, well done 🙂
  • Some are understanding the power of remaining ‘Soul Conscious’ (as opposed to ‘body conscious) and how it helps in every part of daily life – including not judging ………………… (Love this!)
  • Many were so wonderfully honest (and some a bit surprised) when ‘checking’ themselves. Some found they judged quite regularly – mostly how ‘others should or should not behave’. Some recognised the under-lying self-judgement………………….. (Wow, huge pats on the back – you’re all so wonderful!)

Many were so wonderfully honest (and some a bit surprised) when ‘checking’ themselves. Some found they judged quite regularly – mostly how ‘others should or should not behave’. Some recognised the under-lying self-judgement………………….. (Wow, huge pats on the back – you’re all so wonderful!)

  • Recognising that judging others is a form of ‘mental abuse’ …………. (Double Wow!)

  • Many realised the importance and benefit of using their other Powers to help them. Such as Power to Withdraw, to Pack Up, Silence, Courage, Discernment, Cooperation, Respect ………………… (YESSSS!!!!! Tapping into our reservoir of Powers is our right 🙂

  • Also seen as a ‘HUGE minefield’ to walk through. And to let go of ‘expectations’ about people (including our children and ourselves, for this is where self-judgement comes in), places, situations and circumstances …………………… (Perfect, lets all practice turning our ‘mine fields’ into ‘mind fields’ of goodness and love 🙂

  • Recognising that we can’t play ‘judge or jury’ in family matters, though challenging, understood to practice other powers (as above) to just let it be ………………. (beautiful!)

Thanks again everyone, your contributions make this group more powerful than I could ever have dreamed when we first started out about 4 years ago. I know they help ALL of us in some small way – please keep them coming. Keep up the great work and simply keep shining.

ps. Just to touch on the ‘self abuse’ above… We are spiritual beings first and foremost – our natural state is that of peace. Violence is not just physical. Any type of abuse (including judging others or ourselves) is a subtle form of violence because it ‘violates’ our peaceful essence. So well done for that deep realisation 🙂

Lots of love Annemarie

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