
Hi everyone,

Once again upon drawing our next Power to practice, I couldn’t help but smile – the Drama of Life is so accurate – if only we allow it to play out without forcing it or interfering with it. This is another amazing Power, one that I’ve come to realise has become rather weak within me of late, so it’s timely to be focusing on and strengthening this Power within me.
Dealing with chronic pain (particularly with extreme changes of weather) can take it’s toll, not to mention fatigue and the ‘fuzzy’ thinking that comes with Fibromyalgia – known as ‘Fibro Fog’. Drawing this Power is such a blessing as it’s been challenging (and at times overwhelming) to make decisions when my head is ‘in the clouds’. Thus this allows me to stop and contemplate my own understanding and the accuracy of my recent choices and decisions, while hopefully dispersing some of the ‘Fibro Fog’ I’ve been carrying around 🙂

Our 31st Power – Power to Decide…

Freedom in life comes with our Power to Decide,
giving clear directions and allowing a smooth ride.
Decision points the way – firm and bright-eyed,
as my vision changes from narrow, to far and wide.
While my mind creates space it opens and provides,
a space for drying the many tears that I have cried.
My thoughts now uncluttered as this Power I’ve applied –
my amazing inner strengths that in the past I’ve denied.
With the chains of self pity, shame and guilt now untied,
I courageously step forward as I toss any fears aside!

** The Power to Decide is the ability to make clear rational decisions about my life and steadfastly carry them through. It’s a turning point in my life – a conclusion or resolution – where I stand firm in Self love and with courage, take decisive and consistent action based on the process of eliminating unhealthy choices.

** I am the Eliminator… I ‘take out’ the choices that are not of benefit to me, to my environment and ultimately, to the world. Upon choosing wisely, I decide what action to take – based on accurate judgement. My actions start moving me in a clear direction towards my purpose – with courage, faith and determination.

** Supporting Virtues: Judgment, Courage, Determination, Love, Faith, Choice, Enthusiasm

The Power to Decide is NOT the Power to Choose (another Power I have placed in the mix for us to practice at some point). It pays to understand the difference and though I will mainly explain the Power to Decide, I will briefly go into the Power to Choose.

Choice is about options and possibilities while Decision is about creating direction and the responsibility to see it through! Once I make my choice I come to a conclusion (decision), giving me the resolve to finish the task. ‘Decidere’ is the Latin meaning for Decision and it literally means to ‘cut off’ – it’s the end result of a selection procedure that ‘cuts’ or ‘kills’ several options or possibilities till one is selected (chosen) – a.k.a. the process of elimination. To decide helps us to ‘cut off’ unhealthy choices.

The Power to Decide is making up my mind about a certain direction, goal or situation and taking the courage to finish it with enthusiasm – a resolution that ‘I will do it’ – then simply DO it!… Decision gives me WillPower and where there’s a will, there is definitely a way. This doesn’t mean I become rigid in my thinking but rather, I remain flexible and learn to bend without breaking. It’s understanding that what’s in the way IS the way!

Making up your mind about something not only settles uncertainties about a situation – settling any stress in the mind relating to it – it also gives you the energy (and strength) to carry out your decision. To be Decisive gives me back my freedom and power because it gives me the ability to decide the next chapter. As I take responsibility for the consequences of my decisions, I become the ‘author’ of my life and there-in lies the freedom… WOW what a Power to own!

Questions to churn:
How important is it for me to make Decisions?
How can I use the Power to Decide in my life?
Who benefits when I use my Power to Decide?

Educating yourself on the difference between Choice and Decision is empowering.
Experimenting in different situations helps strengthen your individual Powers!
Decision makes commitment easier!

So if I have a Choice of being happy or sad and I Choose to be happy, I then need to Decide on the best and least resistive method to adopt, to stay happy. Once I’ve made a Decision, my Powers of Determination, Courage and Faith will help me to accomplish it 🙂

Happy practicing everyone and remember to feel free to ask any questions or share your understandings and experiences. The best way for anything to stick in our mind is to practice, practice, practice and share, share, share 🙂

Lots of Love Annemarie

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