Hi Everyone,
Wow how the time is flying by, here we are already at the end of May and the last part for this amazing Power.
It’s been an exhausting yet interestingly healing time, a time that has been sprinkled with bitter and sweet events… A time through which this Power in particular, has been very useful. It’s been a productive learning curve (though painful at times) but the wisdom gained from these lessons are priceless, so no regrets. I believe everything happens for a reason and every situation has benefit, even if only to strengthen our powers and to recognise the veil of illusion surrounding our wonderful world. My Powers of Discernment, Love, Courage, Tolerance, Silence, Determination, Trusting, Faith, Detachment, Acceptance & Letting Go – certainly got a good work out 🙂
You know, no matter who you’re dealing with in life – dishonesty is dishonesty – it’s never an easy situation to be a part of, without losing yourself a little in a toxic ocean of lies and deceit. However, I’m always grateful for these opportunities that arise as it always teaches me something about myself, allowing me practice to go beyond the pull of a self-absorbed society. The more I come through these ‘storms’ the more I realise how lost I would be without my spiritual principles. My spiritual foundation supports me to create an open space, where I re-learn to live my life in a peaceful way. It’s a reference point I can return to time and again to keep myself in check. Using my natural abilities (my virtues) I can remain stable and happy because I don’t allow myself to buy the untruths of others, not reacting as easily as I otherwise would. This enables me to make clear rational decisions – many recent decisions would not have been possible or carried through, without use of my powers.
Applying our power gives us clearer vision of the future and prevents us from getting stuck in any current ‘muddy’ situation. When we collude with the negative actions of others, everyone loses! No matter how challenging the path of decision-making is, the ability to see the long-term benefits for all concerned, keeps us from being ‘pulled under’. So remember, no matter how difficult, deciding will give you some direction. You must then adopt healthy methods to keep the momentum going, or will end up in the same situation over and over and over again 🙂
Here are your contributions – didn’t receive many this time but thank you to those who gave their time – always appreciated. So just a reminder that you will only receive 3 parts per month (not 4 like before). Please remember to send your contributions in after you’ve received part 2 (making part 3 the final email for that month).
— Some find decision making difficult due to fear of ‘what if?’…. (Wonderful recognition – now “feel the fear and do it anyway”)
— Others simply won’t make decisions due to fear of ‘what if?’……… (Great self awareness – now use other powers to help you make and take decisions – ie Power to Face)
— Some have no trouble making decisions but have trouble seeing the decision through………….. (Fantastic, now check which other powers you can strengthen to help you stay on track – like Faith, Determination and Enthusiasm)
— Found this Power exciting yet ‘scary’- making decisions is usually difficult because forced to face own priorities. Hard to face because top priorities always about others – not self……. (So beautiful and honest, yes always a good reality check 🙂
— Made decision to change way of life without expecting family to ‘come on board’ – recognition of importance of time given to self for healthy eating and being creative………… (Fantastic!)
— Many would love to be able to decide without allowing doubt or fear to creep in………… (Great – practice makes perfect:)
— Made difficult decision regarding standing firm with love, so to not collude with negative behavior of youngest child – which ‘paid off’- now different person!………… (Wow, such courage and stability, well done – not an easy decision for a mother but looks like a wise choice!)
— Started daily checklist to ensure self-change is upheld………. (That’s wonderful, keep going)
— Decision-making takes trust – acceptance of self, of life and of opportunities in life – trusting whatever happens is ok!…….. (Fantastic, this is how we face our fears and take responsibility – one step at a time:)
Off to Magnetic Island for the weekend, after months of no clarity we are celebrating our courage to make many tough decisions and the positive outcomes 🙂 See you all next week – CREATE a happy weekend….
Lots of love Annemarie