Hi EveryOne

This power deserves to start with this wonderful quote from Randall G Leighton…
“Work like you don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt and
dance like no one is watching”

I definitely had a smile when I pulled this Power – it’s has to be one of my all time favourites 🙂 It’s one of those powers that’s easily forgotten when we are being ‘responsible’ in life, then wonder why life is filled with tension and stress. However, to be responsible simply means having the ability to respond in a positive, powerful, uplifting and life-giving way. When we are happy and carefree (not careless) then we automatically respond positively and become part of a solution. It’s when we get too serious about ‘responsibility’, that we lose the fun in life and we lose connection with those around us – turning the joy of any relationship into just another burdensome chore needing attention – and we become part of a problem …. But it doesn’t need to be this way! When we remember this wonderful power, we simply want to go out and play!

Our 41st Power – Power to be Playful…

** The Power to be Playful means to stay playful in my mind and carefree in my attitude towards life. It enables me to remain enthusiastic, even when faced with challenging situations. Like an innocent child, it gives me the ability to forget quickly (not hang onto hurts or grudges) enabling me to get on with living life – as opposed to getting stressed out.

What do I do when life weighs me down,
do I get caught or do I stay light?
In a world of tension and stress –
do I stay true or do I fight every fight?
Let me not be part of the problem,
let me play and lovingly flow…
So I can be a solution in the world,
then I can learn and teach and grow 🙂

** I am the Innocent – I play because I am creative and free. I play because I have an innate knowing that I belong in this world. I know I have a right. I trust that all I need will come at the right time, keeping me ‘responsible’ for me in a playful way…

** Supporting Virtues: Flexibility, Detached, Carefree, Enthusiasm, Lightness, Simplicity, Love, Forgiving

1. It’s hard to play when stressed and it’s hard to stress when playing 🙂
2. Each time you catch yourself being too serious – stop, breathe and remember “you are a child of the universe – no less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here”
3. Playing keeps you light, enabling you to do any task in a light and uplifting manner (that’s being responsible)

Questions to churn:
1. When was the last time I played? How did I feel?
2. What do I do to stay playful and light towards life?
3. Do I remain playful in my mind when attending to ‘serious’ matters in life?

Life is our playground (when we remember to stay playful) otherwise it just becomes a scary, frightening, serious place to live in – which many of us don’t want to be a part of! You are the composer of your own life, the creator of your own thoughts and emotions… Life is a gift so enjoy, appreciate and create many wonderful moments… So when life gives us a thousand reasons to cry or scream, we have two thousand reasons to smile and be happy. You know, I love to dance and though my body now makes that increasingly difficult – I can still dance in my mind and find other alternatives… Hooping for example, has been a wonderful way to help with the daily pain and allows me to ‘dance’ – it’s a wonderful pain and stress release (I also love playing on the swings :)…. What alternatives can you find to make light of life?

Lots of Love Annemarie x

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