Power to Adjust (revision) part 3…

Adjust to life

Hi Everyone,

Thank you all for sharing such amazing and powerful stories. Yes, it’s a wonderful life when one accepts their own path by applying their own inner powers 🙂 And as for anyone yet to contribute, remember that no story is ‘too small’ to be shared (never think that yours isn’t ‘interesting’ enough).

Here are your contributions.

> Many are being challenged by family (children, partners, parents, siblings, even family friends) and are using their different powers to help them adjust (powerfully)…………… (Well done, amazing feedback)

> Many are using their powers to help set boundaries and are using this group to keep them mindful to keep up their practice of their individual powers ……………………… (Yes, I feel very fortunate to be part of this group too 🙂

> Many are finding great benefit in this reviewing process of our powers ……………… (Me too 🙂

> Several are referring back to my first book Will to Wonder, to re-read the powers, while others are referring back to the links of our initial ‘Powers Study Group’. And others still, are using my new book Peace, Power and You to apply these powers in various areas of life……………… (Thank you so much, good to hear my books are being read)

> Using this power to adjust to many changes around them, has been helpful this month……………………. (beautiful)

> Other powers used this month – Power to discern, Power to pack up, Power to withdraw, Power of patience, Power to tolerate, Power to choose and Power to decide………… (Wow, fantastic!…. My contribution – Power of Cooperation 🙂

> Looking at own reactions to other people’s behaviour (including own children) – recognition of control issues by using anger or sulking……… (Great recognition)

> Some got upset when others shared their view of how they see their behaviour …………. (yes truth can hurt, but when accepted oh so powerful – well done!)

> > Using this power to let go of underlying belief that we can control the world ………………. (haha gotta love this one – bless you for your honesty – so powerful 🙂

> Recognition of ‘becoming our mother’ in regards to becoming a ‘control freak’……………… (Wow another amazingly powerful recognition, so liberating!!!)

> Ability to use this power to Adjust to certain situations / persons, allows us to comfortably observe rather than old reactive thoughts of ‘should be, could have etc’… Enables to stay loving and accepting rather than ‘expecting’…………………. (Perfect:)

> Several also found themselves resisting life (wanting different outcomes or expecting others to behave differently) ………………… (another wonderful recognition of control:)

> This power has also helped some realise that disappointment comes from expectation and expectation stems from control ………………… (YESSSSSS!!! 🙂

Thank you again, this group wouldn’t be the group it is without your contributions. It reminds me that we are never alone. That others are always out there working on themselves and doing what they can. So huge pats on your back, each and every one of you…

I just drew our next power (will send tomorrow). Gotta love this one – works perfectly well with the ones we’ve already practiced and reviewed.

Till then, lots of love and stay safe, Annemarie

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