Thank you to those who responded to my last email. My Intention of course wasn’t for anyone to feel bad about not contributing to our last Power, just a timely reminder for each of us to check our deeper Intentions and own agendas 🙂 I know it wasn’t an easy Power to practice, unfortunately life is not always easy – one of many reasons why we are constantly learning about ourselves through this group – what we put into our own growth is what we get out of it… So lets keep moving forward 🙂
A huge smile crossed my face when I drew the next Power for us to practice – definitely another one of my favorites – though again, not easy yet very powerful when applied. All our Powers are amazing on their own (in practice not in theory) but when used in synergy with other virtues, our power intensifies and success is guaranteed… Our next Power is no different, it works well with our Power of Intention as well as Tolerance and Humility – just to name a few. And if our Intention is to reclaim our inner Power and to make some change in our life, then this next Power will help us ‘get it right’…
Our 33rd Power – Power of Experience…
They say actions speak louder than words –
to practice what we preach.
It’s of no use to theorize or talk,
but to be an example as we teach.
Wisdom is gained through experience,
it’s important to walk in another’s shoes.
Paying attention to remaining equal,
in all we that say and all that we do!…
** The Power of Experience is the ability to apply what I learn, in order to understand, accept and change myself. It’s to put into action what I know – acquiring skills through being involved… Courage, Awareness and Humility is a sign of an Experienced Soul – one who learns from experience and teaches only by example.
** I am the Student… I apply what I learn as a way to become an embodiment of knowledge. I have many skills based on experimenting with information that I take on board. First-hand experience allows me to demonstrate through my actions rather than through words alone.
** Supporting Virtues: Flexibility, Courage, Humility, Respect, Creativity, Tolerance
1. Arrogance and judgement of others stem from a lack of experience (denial plays a key role here)
2. We feed passive / aggressive tendencies when intellectualizing, which can be avoided when we immerse ourselves in the learning process.
3. To ‘borrow’ or steal experiences from others is theory-based – a dangerous turf to play on because words are cheap. We must create our own experiences in order to learn.
Questions to churn:
1. Do I learn through engaging and experimenting or do I theorize?
2. Do I judge others based on my own lack of experience?
3. Do I have the courage to step out of my comfort zone to experiment? If not, why not?
Experiencing life means to ‘taste’ it and ‘feel’ it. It means to listen, to apply, to understand, to learn, to change, to grow, to teach… Then to repeat it – listen… apply… understand… learn… change… grow… teach… And again… You see, a good teacher is a student who never stops learning and never stops growing! Knowledge is powerful but without it’s application it’s worthless – it simply remains stored information that we are unable to access. When we ‘think’ we know something our foundation is theoretical, leaving room for arrogance. Feeling superior to others, our basis will be empty and we will feel the need to prove ourselves – usually by way of minimizing others or putting them down. When we ‘know’ our foundation is based on experience that claims authority – allowing ourselves to become author of our own stories, while allowing others to do the same. True Experience keeps me humble and honest – making me a Powerful Actor and Example on this World Stage!
Happy experimenting everyone, Love Annemarie