Power to Discern (Revision)
Hi EveryOne,
A little late this month so will keep it short, to at least get you all started… So after spending a couple of nights on the road and last night in the beautiful garden of a wonderful friend in the Glasshouse Mountains, we just arrived in Brisbane for a weeks work. Working through a flare and back spasms again, I now lie on the bed as I think about this wonderful Power. It’s been a quick journey which took a bit of a toll on my body. Fortunate for me I will have a few days of just writing and resting and researching and stretching and educating and meditating 🙂 …..
Our 7th Master Power – Power to Discern – Revision
1. If someone deceives us, it’s not their fault. In other words, applying this Power in our life enables us to see authenticity from falsehood in a second. When we can easily identify the difference it stops others from believing they have a right to deceive me. If we still allow it, then we can’t blame them can we? I know when I’m using this power because no-one can deceive me.
2. This Power helps in facing reality. The more honest with ourselves, the more discerning and clear we get about what we will and will not allow to enter into our lives.
3. Practicing discernment enables us to keep a vigilant eye on our own attitude with unconditional love and discipline – a path of wonder that stops negative judgements of our own and others weaknesses – hence leads to freedom 🙂
Questions to churn:
1. How honest am I with myself, really?
2. What areas in my life can I improve by practicing this Power more?
3. Do I recognise deceit (in myself and in others) instantly? If not why not (do I get deceived then feel hurt)?
Hope you each experience the impact behind this Power – in fact, all your powers! As I’ve said before, I still make mistakes and fall down. But thanks to strengthening my individual powers, I don’t fall as hard and I don’t stay down as long. It doesn’t mean that life is always rose petals and sunflowers but I now simply have tools that help me through the down cycles. They give me the ability to manage pain with (mostly) a positive attitude – allowing me to breathe through nausea or spasms or flares or stress or anger or fear or arrogance or perfectionism or blame or justification or victimisation or… I couldn’t imagine my life without my powers now – not for even a day… How about you?
Lots of love Annemarie