Facing Your Fears

Hi EveryOne, 

Here I am. I hope you’re all well and welcoming each day with an attitude of gratitude and kindness. Starting fresh every morning with an open heart and an open mind helps you to release the past and rise to the future, with love. This religion (way of life) helps you to see benefit in adversity – to enjoy life no matter what is going on around you or how much you are being challenged.  

First some news… 

~ I’ve been recovering from life-saving surgery  (2 years of pain and 3 Doctors later)… I was fortunate to finally find a good Surgeon and Care Team to help me through… I also want to acknowledge those who were ever caring and supportive throughout this long and drawn out process – you know who you are. Thank you, I truly felt the love. I appreciate YOU   

~ Local classes will restart (on our property) Wednesday 1st March (weekly class @ 9.30am) and Saturday 11th March @ 9.30am (2nd and 4th Saturday of each month). Please remember to book.

~ If you are unable to come to these classes but feel lost, need support, or simply need reminders on how to keep going in life, remember to go to my YouTube channel  ‘Annemarie Happy Heart’ at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfV1hFboVS7u0W-Btr9zEaQ. Although I haven not been there for a while, there is a lot of timeless information that will help you get back on track and stay on track.  

~ I’m always open to invitations, to come and give a talk, if you have a group that you feel will benefit.

~ I’m also open to have Spiritual conversations via Zoom, I’m looking to organise some online group sessions soon, so anyone interested, please let me know.  

Facing Your Fears… 

With so many things in the world that can easily frighten us and throw us off our game, how do you handle fear and frustration? Are you proactive or reactive in your life?…  For me success is in rising to face my own inconsistencies with love, while letting go and letting God. If I bury my head in the sand and wait till I’m tapped on the shoulder I will react compulsively or by force… 

Today, every single person in the world is being challenged to step into their spiritual power. It is required from each of us to overcome and regulate (master) our own emotions to help clear our own karmic account – this is why there is so much upheaval and chaos – as the majority reject, deny, blame and shame. Learning to turn inwards rather than resist and project outwards of course takes lots and lots and lots of practice. So spend as much time as possible in solitude and do the shadow work that is required to release the old and bring in the new. Lots of self reflection. Lots of surrendering and letting go. Lots of forgiving, changing your thoughts, changing your words (inner and outer dialogue) and changing your actions. In other words, transform your own attitude by upgrading your old belief systems, rather than point the finger externally and hope others will change.  You may not get it right instantly but own your mistakes and do your best to learn from them, then pick yourself up, dust yourself off and simply keep going. Never give up! A good motto to remember is… If I believe I can, I am right – if I believe I can’t I am also right!…

So it turns out I had a rare condition called Acute Mesenteric Ischemia with 3 major arteries blocked in my abdomen – by the time I was properly diagnosed it was life threatening and I indeed nearly lost my life while in hospital… During the 2 years I was endlessly challenged in many areas of my life and having to hold my ground as peacefully as possible did shake my will and my faith. But while my boundaries were being hammered, it was my will and my faith that ultimately got me through… 

I was challenged to face my fears and ‘check and change’ myself constantly – it was exhausting and  frightening but I never gave up. I kept picking myself up and simply kept going. And though I certainly failed many ‘tests’, my determination enabled me to pass more than I failed which ultimately led me to find healing and peace once again 🙂 Seeing these ‘exams’ as opportunities to heal and release the past, no matter how much others poke our old wounds is always beneficial. Practicing love and detachment we can learn to regulate our own emotional and mental wellness (control of our own responses to life) so others will have no hold on us. So though things may have been quiet on the forefront, in the background I’ve been working harder than ever – on myself. 

Practicing turning fears and triggers into power, we can leverage any challenge into opportunity. If we don’t, we give others the opportunity to weaponise our weaknesses against us – again and again – like relentless waves that wear us down… Meditation / prayer / positive thinking / chanting / mindfulness must become part of our daily routine, which must be backed up by practical application, otherwise we will sabotage ourselves believing we have changed when in reality we only thought about it. Unfortunately life and relationships are often approached with too high expectations – with the undelivered disappointment and blame becoming a game of emotional warfare!… Imagine for a moment stepping onto a battlefield having only thought about what you need to do without practical training. Unprepared – chaos everywhere each scrambling to save themselves – what chance would we have? Feeling totally vulnerable and unprotected, naturally fear would be rampant and many costly mistakes would be made. We may even kill someone on our own side, out of shear panic… So it would stand to reason that we prepare in our mind and train diligently in our actions,  to be able to create the best possible outcome. And then… Let go and let God! Relationships can easily become a battlefield if we don’t pay attention. Life takes work. Relationships and healthy interactions take work.  If we don’t consistently work on ourself, we become takers instead of givers – instantly creating a war zone. To stop this we must individually work on removing the war from within ourselves.  

Life is a ride – it has ups and downs. In order to have a smoother ride, we must learn to flow with the tide and the only way to maintain this is to consistently (but gently) develop our inner strength. So rather than just treading water in the vast ocean of life’s fear, or getting slammed by wave after wave, remember to be courageous and love yourself.

Question: Who / what stops me from claiming success in my life?

Contemplation: How can I stop fear from ruling my responses?

Activity: Always remember and use the following motto daily -‘Success is MY Birthright’. Then think and act accordingly at all times, because integrity is doing the right thing (live according to my spiritual value) at all times – even when no-one is watching 🙂

So rise again and again and again. The stronger you are the more you will benefit others. After all, world transformation starts with self transformation. Yep, it starts with little old me so let me not wait for others to change.

Lots of love Annemarie

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