Facing Change with Courage

Hi everyone, welcome to October and welcome to those joining us for the first time…

Here I am at a free roadside spot in Gin Gin, Queensland on our way to the Sunshine Coast for a series of programs. Having just returned to Townsville last Friday after spending a couple of wonderful days with my daughter and her partner in sydney, then having the fortune of staying at our amazing Brahma Kumaris Retreat Centre in Leura (Blue Mountains) to run a couple of workshops – wow what fantastic participants 🙂

As I sat on the plane on my return flight, I was experiencing severe abdominal pain so decided to listen to some music on my ipod and meditate. While the pain didn’t completely subside, it enabled me to ‘withdraw’ from the outside and go deep inside, instantly feeling relief. One of the songs I was listening to had the words ‘open your mind, open your heart – feel your soul flying free’ – and indeed I felt like I was ‘flying’ in my mind. I felt so appreciative as I reflected on all the love and support shown to me – not only by the souls who participated in the programs – but by all the residents at the retreat centre, who consistently make me feel incredibly welcome when I stay there… So from the bottom of my heart – thank you!

I began to reflect on the challenge we each face when wanting to make change in our life and the importance of using our ‘Power to Face’. I realized that many times in my life when I faced the unknown with courage – when I courageously stepped out of my comfort zone – I received so much help, support and encouragement from all directions. Though these days I have much faith in the ‘drama of life’ and the roles we each play, I am never shocked by the support, yet still, it never ceases to amaze me and always feel so fortunate. Even understanding and appreciating those who oppose us in our journey of change, that they too actually support our growth, equals benefit 🙂

You know, once upon a time, I attracted many ‘emotionally needy’ people – often allowing them to ‘suck the life out of me’. I used to call them spiritual hitchhikers – I was unaware (or perhaps unwilling at the time to see) that I was the one who readily ‘pulled over to give them a lift’ – so I had to adopt ways to stop allowing it… I had to ‘face‘ many situations in life head on and no matter how ‘afraid‘ I felt, I allowed that inner knowing to drive and guide me – giving me strength and energy to follow through – regardless of what others thought… This is not an easy thing to do and is not to be mistaken with deliberately hurting others but about ‘taking the reins back’ of our own life. If we no longer wish to play the role of a victim then we must stop blaming others for our inability to respect ourselves…. It’s important to accept the fact that no-one will respect us if we do not respect ourselves… Interestingly, these days I rarely attract people that show me disrespect… And even if they do, I’ve learned to check myself first – no need to point the finger of blame any longer – that just disempowers everyone… Instead I go within and bathe myself with love then send it outside – not always easy but certainly easier then to play the victim… Needless to say, these days I’m ‘flying’ in my mind and when necessary, in a plane 🙂 because I’ve ‘faced’ many life challenges head on with courage and faith – the proof (as they say) is in the pudding 🙂

Question: What irrational fear stops me from reclaiming the reins of my life?…

Consideration: Why do I let these fears or opinions of others bring me down?

Activity: Adopt the old saying (and attitude) of ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’… Facing a situation ‘head-on’ doesn’t mean you have to ‘head-butt’ others, it simply means to feel the fear but to do it regardless. This doesn’t mean that you ignore danger and jump of a cliff, that would be senseless. No, it simply means I learn to become silent inside and use my inner strengths to overcome any irrational fear… The quieter we just go about our business, the less we need to prove and explain to anyone, the easier it is to stand in our courage and self respect:)

Love Annemarie
ps Please check for upcoming programs at Sunshine Coast during month of October

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