As Will to Wonder is beginning to take off and more Choose to be Calm projects are being accepted, I need strategies to remain focused and unshakable… Enter, Humility…

During the month of May, Humility is the virtue I am to practice in every area of my life – as a means to strengthen that power within me. Empowering myself empowers others. When I can honestly look in the mirror with nothing to hide – no desire for approval, applause or praise – I’m beginning to understand this Power. Humility means I have nothing to prove, but understand that we each have our own stories.

Humility has nothing to do with humiliation or subservience, on the contrary – Humility is a powerful tool well worth cultivating, to have at the ready in your emotional tool belt. This virtue when practiced is amazingly powerful.

Humility is recognising and accepting that what I most dislike in someone else, may be the very thing that I need to change within myself. Or at the very least, it would trigger something within me that I need to transform. Humility is to do as I say – to walk my talk – so I can tread lightly but confidently through the magical pages of life 🙂

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