Wonder-Full Living Newsletter

Values-based Living…

Hi EveryOne,
Here we are in the 2nd month of 2015 already, where does the time go?… I hope life is flowing smoothly for you so far 🙂

Did you know that your values and virtues are like the handrails on a walking bridge or like your own personal compass? They keep us honest, trustworthy and real. They prevent us straying from our intended path – our purpose – and help keep us on track. Staying true to your values and consistently applying our virtues is the best gift you can give to anyone – including yourself.

So what are your values and what are your virtues?…. How often do you take a simple few minutes to check yourself, to ensure you’re not compromising them in any way – that you are staying true to yourself, no matter what?… Not just when it’s convenient. Not just when others are watching. Not just when you seek to gain something, but consistently, because you understand they uphold your self worth. So to help you gain some clearer perspective, I thought to share 4 types of values and a few virtues…

Our Material Values – are connected to our physical and material world. Linked to our physical existence they include possessions, positions in life (often associated with power) in relation to other people, prestige and pay. These values are acquired because they come externally and are always subject to fluctuation and change. When we place this value above all other values, we live a life of fear and insecurity – a common sight in today’s world.

Our Ethical Values are based on our attempt to distinguish right from wrong in a specific area – often enshrined in our workplace ’codes of conduct’ or ‘mission and vision’ statements. There are moral aspects to these values but are also subject to fluctuation and change – dependant on interpretations of different work places, policies and legislature.

Our Moral Values are in the context of our relationships with others. They come from our innate sense of knowing right from wrong in our relationships with other human beings, with our environment and with nature – plant and animal alike. These values tend to be enshrined in the laws of society to maintain order and harmony. The interpretations of morality differ from country to country. They vary according to society, culture, religion, group, etc., so again, subject to change and fluctuation.

Our Spiritual Values are our own personal, deepest experiences of ourselves – of love, joy, happiness, peace, contentment, truth, etc. It’s not based on the type of peace between two countries, but the state of peace in our own mind. Spiritual Values don’t fluctuate or change because this is our essence, based on intangible truth – the hardest to grasp but the most powerful once understood. Every human being has the capacity to experience these states of being but because we often value the other values over this one, we lose awareness of the self and lose the ability to create these experiences. Our happiness becomes accordingly subjective to what is going on around us, as opposed to creating a wonderful experience within. We forget who we are as Spiritual Beings, instead identifying with our external labels – the roles we play – and we lose our power.

Our Virtues are our innate strengths and qualities – respect, unconditional love, humility, courage, patience, compassion, co-operation, contentment, enthusiasm, etc, are our inner weapons – our inner power. We are each born with many but we forget them easily and compromise them quickly, to fit into expectations of society and so we get caught in the web of life.

Understanding and accepting that our Spiritual Values combined with our Virtues must become the basis of all other values is important, if I want to stay in control over the reins of my own life… Of course, there’s nothing wrong with any of these values but it is essential that I make my Spiritual Values and Virtues their foundation. If I place more importance on my other Values, everything I do will fluctuate because all my experiences are dependent on external evaluation and value. To consistently apply my virtues into my daily actions shows self worth because all values are automatically upheld. Otherwise it’s too easy to compromise my own power while disempowering others… We talk of being free, then lets stop relying on others for our happiness and lets stop making others dependant on us for theirs! Let go of conformity, let go of control and let be what will be… By imbibing our individual Power, together we can change the world!

Question: What do I value?

Consideration: Where do I compromise my values? Why?

Action: Take time to meditate / reflect on what you value, to help you understand where you might be wasting precious time, fearing some kind of ‘loss’ or rejection. Write down everything you value and prioritise them in order of value, then sit back and see if any of it is rational, breathe, then let it go… Then write down your virtues – your strengths and qualities – don’t focus on any weaknesses, this is a time to check your strengths only. Ask yourself ‘how often do I apply these virtues?’ and ‘When?’…. Is it when I need to or when others are ‘watching’?…. Honesty is key and will get you moving forward in a big way.

Happy Exploring, Much love Annemarie

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