Regardless of what is going on around me, I can choose how to respond to any person or situation – not always easy, but a choice nonetheless. Often in life, any pain or anguish we experience is due to our own resistance to change.

Having been fit and healthy (with plenty of energy) for the majority of my life, accepting the shattering affects rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis have on my body is a challenge. Chronic pain, loss of mobility and fatigue can easily lead to bouts of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, low confidence, fear and anger. Non-acceptance of any person or situation (including illness) puts me in a state of resistance, which can create negative thinking and therefore more pain – a rather vicious merry-go-round not worth jumping on. However once on this merry-go-round it proves difficult to get off, as resistance keeps the cycle of violence going and it takes silent reflection, enthusiasm and courage to step off it and remain happy.

Whenever anger or fear rises within my mind there is resistance and my body will respond accordingly (if I don’t control the reins of my mind, I lose control of my actions). No matter how much I ignore or justify this disempowering behaviour I will just be opposing myself and therefore life itself – I become my own obstacle and interaction at every level becomes complicated, strained and difficult. Resistance is pointless, it’s an antagonist to peace, it sustains the suffering and is the seed of all conflict. So if I’m feeling peaceless, it’s up to me to use my Power of Tolerance to centre myself.

Tolerance means to accept myself and the world as it is – with all our strengths and weaknesses. It means to know and accept what I can and cannot change, then using courage and determination to change the things I can and letting go of the things I can’t. Tolerance does not mean ‘putting up with’ or ‘keeping score’ – truth and honesty are vital so tolerance and therefore peace are attainable. Less opposition is experienced because acceptance will be visible in my every action and an atmosphere of calm is felt. This is a powerful natural way to manage pain… or anger… or depression… or stress… or anxiety… and begin to function clearly, healthily and happily.

Acceptance means that I am able to forgive myself and others, creating a sense of calm. I will be able to think rationally, see clearly, communicate effectively, create options and make healthier choices. Acceptance enables me step out of any negative emotion and into peace…

Even with chronic pain, I can still soar in my mind and my life can continue to flow and blossom 🙂

Question: What weaknesses do you focus on (yours or others)? And where do you resist life?

Consideration: Why do you focus on weaknesses or resist life?  And what stops you from turning it around?

Action: Whenever you feel anger, frustration, fear etc rise within you (towards yourself or others) – stop instantly. This ‘traffic control’ means to apply an instant brake to your thought processes! Take a few slow gentle breaths while checking your thoughts and ‘self talk’. Change direction by changing any negative, wasteful or disempowering inner talk into powerful positive statements, then start again. Do this exercise as often as necessary to turn limiting behaviour into a limitless attitude.

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