When those times come when life just seems to get the better of you, what do you do? Do you complain, blame situations or allow yourself to be defeated?… Or do you simply get on with it, knowing that this too will become the past?

I recently had one of those weeks. Though my body has been much better lately – able to move easier and generally more energetic – that week I experienced my worst rheumatoid arthritis ‘flare up’ to date. Living with chronic pain, I’ve learned how to best manage it in a natural way, but It was a time where self sabotage could easily have taken over, if I allowed it. The best thing to do was simply rest – one of the most challenging things for someone who has always had abundant energy. Nevertheless, the body said to rest… so rest it was!

Propped up with pillows and heat packs, my body ached worse than ever and fluctuated from hot to cold. Nausea was doing it’s best to rock my stage, but seeing the benefit in having cold hands, I used them to cool off the heat in my face and the rest of my body. Instead of feeling helpless and defeated, I saw the humour in the situation and actually appreciated having cold hands for a change – it made me smile, enabling me to keep my calm. If we allow ourselves to pass through whatever passage we need to pass through – without resistance, guilt or shame – what is gained at the end is always priceless in comparison. In the long run, the benefit in acceptance far outweighs any discomfort of any situation.

I had to use many tools to NOT let the pain, fatigue and mental confusion pull me down. Applying my power of tolerance and determination gave me strength to remain positive. Instantly packing up and surrendering any type of limiting beliefs or destructive thoughts about myself and my situation calmed me down every single time. When feelings of inadequacy tried to enter, I refused to open the door. That’s not to say that it was easy, but continually cultivating my inner strengths and power – particular when life is good – was the key to success. It’s these ‘tests’ in life that allow me opportunities to check and change myself. It ‘s times like these, that lets me gauge how well I am doing – how else will I know if I am passing?

Looking for the benefit in challenging situations is one sure way to pass through it quicker and less traumatic. There’s always benefit, no matter how small – sometimes we just need to look a little harder. And just because my body is in pain and fluctuates from hot to cold, doesn’t mean my mind can’t remain stable. We have to pass through these tests – I can do it with ease or I can resist it – the choice is entirely mine, but either way… tests will come. Allowing myself to see the lighter side of any test leaves room for positive change – reaching a healthy outcome is then possible.

Choosing to be happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, it just means that I can look beyond, otherwise it’s all too easy to sabotage myself and make others suffer in the process. Remaining flexible and always looking to the brighter side, enables me to adjust and flow – keeping my mind light and easy, and free of any waste. As a meditator and a writer, much can still be achieved when ‘resting’. Pain has an amazing way to keep you in the present moment… so I may as well be happy and take advantage of the power of NOW. Continually strengthening myself from the inside turns my outer world into an interesting and creative playground 🙂

Question: When challenging situations arise and you have a chance to change, do you resist or do you flow?

Consideration: Why do you think you might resist? Why might you sabotage yourself?

Action: Every time you catch yourself engaging in negative or limiting thoughts, words or actions – no matter how challenging the situation – apply a firm brake… to your thoughts, words or actions. If the brake only works after several attempts, it means I am still a little dependent on others, perhaps for validation or approval – attached to their opinion. Understanding accurate from inaccurate helps me recognise waste, therefore to instantly apply the right power at the right time is a means to achieving great happiness.

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