Is it possible to remain calm in adverse situations?

Remaining calm when we are in a peaceful environment is not such a big deal, but coping in an atmosphere that is peaceless is! Do we remain an embodiment of solutions when adversity strikes or do we become part of the problem? Do we remain above the crowd or allow ourselves to get pulled down by the vacuum of stress and chaos?… Panic for example is very contagious – it’s rather difficult to remain calm or peaceful when I’m in a burning building and people are running all over the place. Stress in the home or workplace may be harder to detect but nonetheless can equally bring us down in the longterm.

Remaining uninfluenced – keeping light and elevated – is an art which takes much practice. Having an effective strategy (perhaps meditation) is essential to remain calm, and is reliant on the basis of regular application (not just when times are tough). On the contrary – to succeed, this strategy must be practiced consistently, so that when adversity strikes I will be ever-ready and able to remain calm. So rather than react in a disempowering way, I’m able to respond powerfully. This not only helps me but because I’m able to cooperate, it helps those around me.

Take the example of a fireman or a paramedic… To allow any destructive emotion to engulf them at a time of need would render them ineffective. In order to perform their task accurately, they practice and prepare regularly to remain calm. Their actions are deliberate and their breathing is slow, while a detached and loving approach enables them to remain calm and caring at times of upheaval.

Question: How do you cope in times of stress? Do you remain calm or not?

Consideration: How might you cope in a more empowering way – for yourself and for others?

Action: Visualise a situation that may be potentially chaotic. See yourself acting in a cool and calm manner. As you create powerful and positive thoughts, watch the vibrations of those thoughts wash over the entire atmosphere. Notice the mood cool down and those around you becoming calm – this is a form of meditation. Practice it regularly, then align your actions accordingly.

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