Power to Trust – Part 2…

Hi everyone, how are you all going with your Power to Trust?… I’ve had some wonderful insights about this power. You know, I used to trust anything anyone said but then when they did a backflip, I would be left shocked and shattered. I felt ‘betrayed’ many times and even though they may have caused me grief, I have come to understand that no-one can hurt me or take away my power, without my permission. And though we cannot force others to be responsible as their own actions will bring their own consequences, I can certainly keep myself accountable by doing as I say. When I realised this on a deep level, I stopped being a victim and started to take responsibility. That’s not to say I don’t make mistakes, of course I do, that’s how I learn. But it’s when we believe we can control the world or believe that the world controls us, that we get trapped in illusion and start to trust the wrong things – our vision becomes compromised and we start believing what people say rather than what they do. I stop being sensitive (I stop seeing clearly) and disillusioned, I start to buy the rubbish of others – by making it my own, I ‘pay’ the consequences. Not an easy thing to recognise or to admit, but very liberating.

If we truly want to SEE what’s going on then we need to use courage (Power to Face) to open our eyes and observe (Power to Withdraw). I was very fortunate to have spent many years caring for people with disabilities and our frail aged – many were non-verbal with no physical sight. I was very aware that I was being taught the Art of Language – when you communicate with those who cannot see or speak, you learn to pay close attention to their body language. Using my learned communication skills, I became more ‘sensitive’ to lies (Power to Discern) in my life. By the way, did you know that approximately 80% of all communication is body language, 13% is Tonality (in the tone of your voice) and only 7% is actual words… The sharper my detector the more I Trusted and the less I lived in fear, in return I trust myself more enabling me to once again appreciate and love life. The good thing about becoming sensitive to lies, is you become more Trusting – a rather interesting paradox! The more you Trust, the less expectations you will have of others and rather than react in a disempowering, destructive way, you enable yourself to respond powerfully.

Questions to churn on:
– Do I play the role of a victim? If so, why do I stay a victim?

– Do I Trust that there is benefit in all situations? If not, why not?

– Do I react to the behaviors of others under compulsion – against my own wish?… Why?

Lesson: When we observe our own thoughts before we respond is the Power to Withdraw… Use your many different Virtues to Empower yourself with Trust and nothing will be too difficult 🙂

Happy week everyone, look forward to hearing your contributions. Lots of love Annemarie

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