Power to Tolerate (Revision) – Part 2…

Hi EveryOne,

It’s that time of month already to check in with you to see how you’re all going with this power. As I sit on the train on my way back from Brisbane (after finishing my last week of prac. for my diploma of clinical hypnosis) I reflect on how much (or should I say, how little) I practiced this power this week… Unfortunately in class there’s always a couple of egocentrics who need to bring others down, to feel good about themselves. Caught off-guard and not wanting to offend or expose, I allowed them to project their insecurities on me – leaving me to doubt myself. I know that insecurity stems from fear yet I handed over my power as I instantly revisited an old place of confusion and disbelief… Enabling the bad behaviour of others, serves no-one! And though I feel everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, no-one can bring me down without me giving them permission first.

Steadying myself by using my Power to Withdraw, Power to Pack Up and Power to be Silent, I accepted and forgave (tolerated) my own weakness as I accepted and forgave (tolerated) them for their insecurities. This enabled me to let go a little – allowing me to stop ‘spinning’ and reclaim my power. Without condoning the not-so-nice behaviour coming from someone else, the mere recognition that it triggered something inside (in this case, self doubt which I needed to change within myself) helped me to let go a little more. Out of self respect I chose not to work with them any more, instead, in my mind I sent them love, good wishes and thanked them for helping me strengthen my Power to Tolerate and my Power to Face… Blindly they continued their interference with other female students but interestingly, they didn’t dare do this to the male students (confirming their projected fears). I realised that they may want to deny their own life lessons but I was determined to understand mine 🙂

Questions to churn on:
– Do I know where the line between tolerance finishes and ‘putting up with stuff’ starts?

– How do I know when I’m practicing this power? What is the evidence (proof)?

– Why might I ‘put up with’ someone else’s bad behaviour?

There’s a very thin line between tolerance and putting up with something. Tolerance is a strength, putting up with stuff is a weakness. True tolerance is an inner acceptance that gives us an ability to blend with differences (including our own weaknesses) without buying into someone else’s rubbish! If we choose to buy their rubbish, we can’t blame them! Therefore we must wear our Powers like a gentle shield of protection and never take them off.

Here are 10 Quotes to help with this Power: (As I’ve mentioned many times, this power is often seen as a weakness and compromise and ‘putting up with stuff’. I had a lot of trouble finding quotes to demonstrate true tolerance). I hope they make sense to you.

1. In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher – Dalai Lama

2. The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority – Ralph W. Sockma

3. Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself -Robert Green Ingersoll

4. Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one’s own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others – John F. Kennedy

5. Experience is knowledge; but knowledge when it is sought only as a material resource, is not always a blessing. Experience is wisdom; but wisdom with those who lack vision, is not always power. Experience is tolerance; but tolerance when it is induced by apathy, is not in the least a virtue – Ameen Rihani

6. Broad-mindedness is related to tolerance; broad-mindedness is the sibling of peace – Salman Rushdie

7. Tolerance it a tremendous virtue, but the immediate neighbours of tolerance are apathy and weakness – James Goldsmith

8. It’s not so much what you learn about Mumbai, it’s what you learn about yourself, really. You find out a lot about yourself and your tolerance, and about your inclusiveness – Danny Boyle

9. The responsibility of tolerance lies with those who have the wider vision – George Eliott

10. For the Left, tolerance does not mean tolerance. It means first, acceptance. And second, celebration. That is totalitarianism: You not only have to live with what you may differ with, dear citizen, you have to celebrate it or pay a steep price – Dennis Prager

Lots of love Annemarie
(I look forward to receiving your stories / contributions)

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