Power to Tolerate…
Hi everyone,
Already half way through our first month of the year, so I hope you’re taking many opportunities to strengthen your Power to Tolerate. Though not an easy Power to Master, it pays to persist with this one – you’ll be amazed at how much this Power can turn around any number of adverse situations. Deeply understanding that Tolerance is a Power not a weakness, can shift even the most stubborn of attitudes – in myself and in others. By simply recognizing that I can’t control or change anyone or anything, except myself, instantly lightens up my life and so does the atmosphere around me. Tolerance means I don’t take ‘personal’ the behavior of another – no matter how near or dear to me this person may be.
I find Detachment helps when practicing Tolerance – it helps me to not get entangled in unreal expectations (of myself and of others), in negative emotions and in destructive words or actions. Instead, I stop and observe (detach), I breathe (tolerate) I pay attention (discern), then I take whatever action I need to take for the higher good of all concerned(courage and faith). Not always easy, particularly with those dear to us – but liberating beyond your wildest imagination – for them as well as us. This freeing experience can’t help but benefit everyone… and it simply starts with ME! Tolerance of myself – my fears, my weaknesses, my habits, patterns and addictions – is therefore fundamental.
If someone I care about behaves in a hurtful manner, Tolerance teaches me it has nothing to do with me. It also teaches me to Tolerate my own painful emotions that may rise up as it triggers old feelings of insecurity and self doubt – that if not checked and changed – can lead to expectation, blame and complications. Tolerance shows me when to lovingly step aside (without taking sorrow) and when to courageously step up and speak out (without giving sorrow). This means I do not become anyone’s doormat, nor do I use any force or manipulation – instead I accept myself and others as we are – enabling all to cooperate.
Here’s what you all shared – thank you soooo much 🙂
– Understanding to not enforce opinions or beliefs onto others (wanting to share something but not accepted by the other person) – tolerance helped them smile and let it go…
– Learning to not take sorrow by way of letting someone else’s opinions and beliefs dictate my behaviour (others wanting to take control)
– Many found Tolerance hard – but showed enough self respect to keep going…….. (Well done 🙂
– Able to remain calm in a household of temperamental moods (quitting smoking, mood swings, emotional) – but not taking anything personal……….. (Not taking things personal is the KEY 🙂
– Recognizing that time has come to take pressure of the self and to stand tall in own space, though feeling ‘weird’ it also feels ‘right’……… (Well done for showing consistency and courage 🙂
– Difficulty still in fighting own ‘demons’- then feeling intolerant of self while others get sucked into its vacuum. Getting angry at self for being intolerant……. (This is a vicious cycle, well done for recognizing it 🙂
– Trouble forgiving self and finding life irritating, but understanding and seeing the disempowerment…….. (Be gentle with yourself, always – change takes time 🙂
– Need to continue work with Tolerance
– Enjoying the reminders and encouragement into taking action……………… (Me too 🙂
– Many are noticing that particular lessons seem to appear as a particular Power is chosen for that fortnight……. (This is an opportunity, not a curse – interesting isn’t it, the help we receive 🙂
– Not colluding in loved ones anger or frustration when they are unable to communicate… – Letting go of the ‘responsibility’ to ‘fix it’ and able to Tolerate by helping them learn and grow instead…………(Congratulations a thousand times 🙂
– Others also found Detachment helpful with Tolerance…………. (We have many Powers, don’t struggle with One or it will become an obstacle – evoke other Powers to help out and focus on them instead – remember, YOU are the Master 🙂
– Not reacting – especially as a Mother – again Detachment was mentioned……………………. (The most powerful thing we can do for our children, is to reclaim our own Power and set the example 🙂
– Using Tolerance to ‘kick out’ unwanted thoughts trying to enter their mind.
– Tolerance allows them to remember to surrender their issues to God and be free from worry, helping them become light and move forward………….. (Nice 🙂
– Tolerance gave persistence, when struggles began.
– Ability to Tolerate the energy of others, without trying to correct or change – enabling them to arrive at a good space themselves………………. (Amazing 🙂
Another amazing fortnight with unbelievable courage – thank you, your tenacity to keep going continues to inspire and uplift. Even when you think you’re failing, I’m here to remind you that you are NOT. Changing ourselves is one of the most difficult things to do, so pat yourself on the back (regularly) for simply having a go, let go of the rest and use your Power to Tolerate.
Happy weekend everyone, lets see what Power Monday brings… Lots of love Annemarie xx