Hi EveryOne,
As I drew the next new power for us to practice, it reminded me of the urgency of time. To change our own ways as to not get caught in the fastness of life, to change our own ways while we still have the opportunity to learn and to practice. Because like any exam, there comes a time in our life when we must apply what we’ve learned – a time when ‘study’ stops and practical application becomes part of our ‘test’.
Of course, this is not to frighten anyone but to give ourselves a gentle reminder of our fortune of time. The fortune of having the ability AND time to actually learn and practice what we are studying. So don’t get caught in the ‘I don’t have time’ syndrome, instead use this time to really understand (through personal experience) what it is like to practically apply what we now know of our own inner power, our own qualities and our own strengths.
As I feel this is an important and rather time sensitive topic, I will expand on this in our November WonderFull Living Newsletter – albeit from a broader angle and tone.
Our 49th Power – Power to Nurture…
To nurture is to protect and to feed,
to care for myself and all of my needs.
To value and uphold my own gentle care,
to dare to be different and do not compare.
To foster self love to nourish – sustain,
keeping me stable in love or in pain.
To nourish my mind with positive thought,
staying open to life so I don’t get ‘caught’.
** The Power to Nurture is the ability to nourish and care for my self. It means I do not expect others to satisfy me instead, I use my inner resources to satisfy, nurture and nourish my own needs.
** I am the Mother. I care for others by continuously nurturing and nourishing my own needs. I place my own needs at the top of my ‘to do’ list, each day because I understand and accept that without self care, care for others is not sustainable.
** Supporting Virtues: Love, Patience, Cooperation, Resourceful, Willing, Discipline, Forgiving, Creative
1. When I continuously nurture (feed and nourish) my mind, it will prove easier to take care of my bodily needs.
2. When I give myself permission to nurture me, others will automatically be cared for (happy me, happy you).
3. Nurturing needs a balance of understanding and acceptance combined with positive thoughts, words and actions.
Questions to churn:
1. Do I nurture myself every day (as a part of my daily living) ? If not, why not?
2. Do I compromise my own health and wellbeing in the process of nurturing others?
3. Do I understand and practice balance in my life?
As we come close to that time of year when manic behaviour is often ‘accepted’ as part of the Christmas rush, it’s a good time to remind ourselves of the manic trap – depression, anxiety and anger. This power couldn’t have been more perfectly presented, to give ourselves a chance, to breathe and to guide others to breathe and to remember the beauty in life 🙂
Happy practicing everyone and may you find creative and powerful ways to nurture you (as a means to nurture others, not the other way around 🙂
Much love and support as always, Annemarie