Power to Listen – Part 2…
Hi EveryOne,
It’s that time of month again for me to check in with you all to see how you are applying this wonderful but rare power. Applying our power to listen (no doubt combined with other powers as well) help us adapt , improvise and overcome any situation.
I try to live by the value of treating others how I like to be treated and to listen to others the way I would like others to hear me. Though at times I must admit I do forget, so this power is a wonderful reminder that practice makes perfect. It’s all good and well to have good intentions but if we’re not using our various powers continuously, it’s not that easy to stay present for very long. And as the saying goes ‘the road to hell is paved with good intention’ 🙂 Meanwhile old habits quietly creep back in little by little. Therefore action must follow intention if we are to really be successful in our lives or if we are to simply hear what others are communicating to us. Or even to hear the subtle messages that our own heart and body are trying to tell us. Remember, communication is not just about words but about tone, body language and effective listening. So if I really want to ‘hear’ I must pay attention to all these things. To get this right I must consistently take positive action based on my inner powers. When I forget to use my powers I’m not fully present and therefore not attentive to my own needs or the needs of others (no matter how much I think I am). Our virtues are our innate gifts to help us on our journey on earth – and they will help us providing we apply them to our daily living.
To ‘sin’ means to miss the mark, based on forgetting our innate worth. It has nothing to do with doing ‘wrong’ according to religious laws that are morally subjective. When I forget my spiritual power I forget my innate worth and I will automatically ‘miss the mark’ in my life and my relationships. Observing silence of our mind stops many wasteful thoughts and therefore ‘sinful’ actions. The more inner silence we practice the more we can truly listen. And the more we listen the less spiritual labouring, yet the greater success we experience. In silence you can find the right method in a second.
Questions to churn on:
– How often do I give myself permission to practice silence?
– Do I value silence or do I prefer noise? ie do I ‘need’ the tv /radio on in the background?
– What evidence is there in my life that I truly listen to myself and others?
The words listen and silent carry the same letters. Our job as spiritual self transformers is not to drag others, kicking and screaming, into self awareness but to simply do our job of self transformation – listening silently and soulfully. Those who choose to listen with their ears and see with their eyes will find a way to respond and communicate. Those who choose to look away, we can send them love silently and listen when they’re ready, without judgement.
I look forward to receiving your contributions.
Much love, Annemarie