Power to Face…

Hi everyone,

After our last Power – Realisation – we could’t ask to practice a better power than the one drawn today :)… It’s all good and well to realise (become aware of) but if I don’t have the courage to face change and learn how to transform unsettling situations and relationships, then the energy received with an ‘aha’ moment is wasted and I remain stuck in my comfort zone. Remembering that we each have many powers (special qualities), it’s up to each individual to ‘play with’ these strengths and see which work best together – this can only really happen through experimenting. Wisdom only comes after experience, if we do not experiment we will lack experience – a great excuse to NOT step out of our comfort zone – which becomes an easy platform to judge others from.

Our Powers are our weapons as well as our shields of protection – the more I demonstrate my powers (through my loving attitude) the less I will be ‘confronted’ to prove myself. That is not to say we won’t get tested – we will always receive tests, how else will we know if we are passing in that subject – but no, we won’t be harassed by the opinions of others nor by our own dictates and weaknesses. Instead I will have courage and will know what to do – when to step forward, when to step back, when to step aside or simply when to step up and face whatever it is I need to face.

Using your imagination, picture a warrior – prepared, courageous and ready for battle!… Now imagine a passive person – unprepared, untrained, unwilling and scared!… The warrior may still experience fear but because of practicing, practicing and practicing, they are able to courageously face anything with only victory on their mind. The passive person on the other hand resists till the very end. Burying their head in the sand and carrying lots of fear (which turns to anger and self pity) they simply want to ‘get it over and done with’. Not really interested in learning anything from the situation, they only see an obstacle to get get rid off as quick as possible – with a definite struggle ahead, they transform nothing… The next time the same situation arises (and it will if we don’t change it) they wonder why the same things keep happening to them.

Our 20th Power is the 10th Jewel – Power to Face – page 81 ….

‘I will not know courage until I face the fear
to look it straight in the eye, brave and clear.
When fear knocks, I take the chance to face –
I open the door with silent grace…
There’s nothing scary there, not even a trace.’

** The Power to Face is the ability to face any person or situation with courage. It means to face obstacles head-on in order to transform them. Test papers in life will come, that’s their job – I see this as an opportunity to transcend any restrictive habit or dependency – enabling me to turn negative into positive.

** I am the lion… I am strong and courageous, no matter what I am feeling I can Face anything I need to, in order to transform negative into positive… I am not a victim, I am a Master!

** Supporting Virtues: Detachment, Courage, Determination, Resilience, Consistency, Humor

1. ‘Facing’ does not mean to be aggressive, but rather to be assertive.
2. ‘Facing’ does not mean to be fearless, but to be courageous on our way to becoming fearless.
3. ‘Face’ with love, NEVER with anger or force or any type of justified behavior, ie. “they deserve to be told off”

Questions to churn:
1. Do I really understand the difference between aggression and assertiveness – which do I tend to display more and why?
2. Do I keep cultivating my powers every day or do I become complacent and tend to wait till adversity smacks me on the forehead?
3. Do I let fear stop me from stepping out of my comfort zone? Why? And how can I change that?

Facing ‘head-on’ doesn’t mean I have to head-butt with others, it simply means to feel the fear but to do it regardless – the quieter we just go about our business, the less we need to prove and explain. This Power is very handy when ‘facing’ and using other Powers, ie. to be Silent when I know it’s needed, or to be Co-operative and Tolerant (with others and even with my own weaknesses) when I don’t really feel like it, or to Discern, Judge and Adjust so not be intimidated by Facing or revealing truth. It allows me to Face my own inconsistencies and deficiencies allowing me to let go, I can then get on with imagining myself as the peaceful warrior – not as passive/aggressive.

Have a wonderful week ‘facing’ situations to enable yourself to let them go 🙂

Lots of love Annemarie xx

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