Power to Face – part 2…

Hi Everyone,

Back on the plane on my return flight from Melbourne – once again I sit and reflect on the wonder of life, the highs and the lows, the growth, and the constant letting go in life. After another wonderful healing journey with my mother I had to leave her on a rather sad note – I had to take her back to hospital as her health deteriorated again. Though she is now comfortable and being cared for I had to use my courage to leave – I realised ‘the carer’ in me came out again and I had become attached to the situation.

Spending most of my last day in the emergency ward, I couldn’t help but think about and face my own mortality. Having worked in Aged Care for many years I accept much about life and ultimately death, and though I am not afraid of death itself – sitting there waiting, I did wonder how I will die and how long it will take. It was a wonderful eye-opener and once again emphasized living life to the fullest – no matter what!

Catching up with my children and seeing several nephews and nieces with children of their own, brought to mind the fastness of time, the fragility of life, and the power and magic in self awareness and self transformation. Dealing with pain and limited movement during rheumatic ‘flare-ups’ as the weather turned cold and wet, was another character-building exercise. It reminded me to continue to make change each and every day, as you just don’t know when you may have to face your last.

Facing and Accepting is rather liberating – it enabled me to leave my mum in hospital, accepting that it could possibly be the last time I see her. It enabled me to once again say hello and goodbye to my son and daughter, and it enabled me once again get through physical and emotional pain. Understanding and accepting that life is short helps me to face it, deal with it, accept it and at the end of the day surrender it all without anguish, regret or sorrow – letting go of worries about what I can’t do helps me face life – I can then focus on what I can do!

Questions to churn on today:

— Do I worry about what I can’t do or do I focus on what I can do?

— Do I wait for time to change me or do I use whatever time I have to make change?

— Do I face my own short-comings or do I project them into the world while I blame others and live in denial?

As we are coming towards the end of our ‘Study Group’ for the 21 jewels in Will to Wonder, I have to ‘face’ whatever will come next – next Monday will be our last Jewel. Do we continue as a group and play with other powers not yet examined, or do we call it a day and each go our separate ways? I guess I will leave this in each individual’s hand – I personally am happy to continue on exploring whatever inner power we still need to awaken to and reclaim, leaving no stone unturned. Let me know what you think, would love for you to continue this journey of self exploration with me but please feel no pressure to :)…

Lots of Love Annemarie

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