Power to Discern (Revision) – Part 2…
Hi EveryOne,
Power to Discern (or discernment) is the ability to see the true nature of how things really are – not projected beliefs or images of what we want to believe or see (or what we want others to believe or see). Marketing gives just one example of where this Power is commonly under-exercised – where Marketers may not be completely truthful and where Consumers may buy into something out of pure convenience. Both play the silent game otherwise they would have to make some changes in their own life. Discernment is not an easy power in that we can no longer blame others 🙂 But it’s so joyfully empowering because it enables us to comprehend and evaluate life (and our roles in it) with clarity and love. Responding rather than compulsive reacting stops us from being violated by others and stops us from violating others and indeed, ourselves. It allows us to distinguish authenticity from falsehood; reality from fantasy; truth from corruption; creative from destructive; nourishing from toxic; pure intention from selfish motives.
Our Power to Discern saves a lot of time, anguish and self confidence – as it also teaches us that we don’t have to fight every single fight in life, even if we find our voice. It distinguishes between which fights to take on and which fights to sit out (fights that would be detrimental to our health and wellbeing and possibly of those around us). Finding our voice is wonderful. But to find our voice only to lose another integral part of our being (our health) in order to take on every fight, would be counter-productive. No-one wins! Discernment uses intuition and perception that’s built over time through honest observation of how others behave and how we behave in any situation (Power to Withdraw). Of careful reasoning (Power to Judge), and balanced application of our knowledge and principles (Powers to Pack up and Face). As we grow in experience, this power will increase, providing us with insight that helps keep propelling us toward greater wisdom – and ultimately, greater freedom in life.
Questions to churn on:
– How would I behave differently, if I could see through people’s intentions?
– Do I feel the need to take on every single fight in life or do I know which ones to sit out for my own health and wellbeing?
– How strong is the Power to Discern in me? Do I only see a problem or do I see an opportunity?
Lesson: Everyone has the ability to change therefore everyone deserves a second chance. However, if someone fools us more than once and we feel hurt by it, we can’t blame them. Giving someone (or even ourselves) another chance is a wonderful gesture and it doesn’t mean we are suckers, but we do need to be very clear on what we will and will not allow to enter our life. If we do give someone a chance, we can’t be attached to how it should turn out (that’s an easy way to get hurt again).
Here are 10 quotes to help you become the most powerful jeweller in your own life 🙂
1. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” — Randall Terry
2. “Look at the means which a man employs, consider his motives, observe his pleasures. A man simply cannot conceal himself!” — Confucius
3. “Sometimes you can tell what something is by what is isn’t.” ― Kenneth Copeland
4. “Some people think they have discernment when actually they are just suspicious…
Suspicion comes out of the unrenewed mind; discernment comes out of the renewed spirit.”
― Joyce Meyer
5. “Let discernment be your trustee, and mistakes your teacher.” ― T.F. Hodge
6. “When a person goes into a relationship emotionally needy, they are not going to have discernment in choosing people.” — Jennifer O’Neill
7. “People should not expect the state to protect them from fraudsters. If we do, we get into the habit of neglecting our own powers of intellectual discernment.” — Julian Baggini
8. “As soldiers need not only courage but tactics also, so does a philosopher need not only courage and philosophy but discernment also, to tell what his right time of dying is – so that he neither seek it nor flee it.” — Apollonius of Tyana
9. “Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.” — Isak Dinesen
10. “Opportunities are seldom labeled.” — John A. Shedd
Look forward to your monthly contributions as we power through 8 Master Powers 🙂
lots of love Annemarie