Hi everyone,

In relation to our current power – Power to Discern – lets explore self deception a little deeper today.

Looking at my own attitude, I regularly ask myself – how truthful am I being in my life?… Growing up we were not allowed to show our feelings, in fear of what others might think. No offending others, no embarrassing others, no outward show of being ‘unsettled’ – just suck it up and bury it. Our external face was always smiling and ready to please anyone who came in front of us – no matter whether they were genuine or not and no matter how uncomfortable we felt inside. Unbeknownst to us we were learning to become doormats. This is not about blaming parents – they do the best they can with what they know – their culture and conditioning. This is about moving forward by recognising what dishonest behavior I may need to change when seeking the approval of others, as to not pass it onto my children. It’s a question I need to explore on a regular basis, as to not keep falling in the trap (habit) of old ‘people pleasing’ behavior.

When I am manipulated into pleasing others – through fear of being ‘bad’ – it’s all too easy to create a habit of ‘fighting for survival’ – resulting in rebellious behavior or becoming the same. No-one likes to be a doormat – sooner or later I become resentful for being ‘made’ to go against my own nature of love and peace and truth. What ensues is dishonesty, justification and rationalisation (whether we see it or not). No-one can ‘make’ me do anything I do not wish to do – it’s a ‘survival belief’ that often becomes a ‘reason’ to not move forward. When the habit of hiding my own truth and beauty becomes greater than my own power I sabotage myself, is that honest? When we martyr ourselves we pity ourselves. ‘Willingly’ carrying this huge burden of guilt, we risk self deception – becoming a puppet to our environment – as others pull our strings.

Fortunately through cultivating my Power to Discern, I’m much better at recognising this and changing it more instantly. If truth is important to me than I must be the jeweler in life and discern authenticity from falsehood… and this always starts within 🙂

Questions to churn on today:

— How important is TRUTH for you?…
– For me it’s the ultimate aim – if I want others to be truthful with me, I must be truthful with myself – to be able to look in the mirror without shame because I have nothing to hide.

— How do you know when you are being self deceptive?…
– I know when I start to rationalise self sabotage.
– I know because I go back to the old habit of pleasing others and I stop liking myself.
– I know because I make excuses for others and life stops flowing smoothly.

Please remember to share – your experiences are important to all of us – thank you, have a wonderful day.

Much Love Annemarie 🙂

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