Hi Everyone,
How are you all going with this beautiful Power?… As we enter our 3rd week of practicing our Power to Believe, I sit and appreciate our current location (Landsborough, Sunshine Coast) while preparing for different upcoming programs. You know, when you have found something that works in your life it’s important to share this with others, no matter what – not just for their growth but for yours as well. You see, each time we share, we learn. Each time we ‘teach by example’ we give energy to our own mission, which strengthens our own Will and keeps us moving forward – all the while inspiring others to do the same.
Most of us are filled with different fears – known as mental barriers. These fears are based on past situations and are more often than not, irrational. The past has passed, we cannot visit there! However, our unconscious inner dialogues keep our ‘mental barriers’ alive and often thriving. Our internal ‘scripts’ can propel us forward or block us from stepping up and taking our rightful place (our rightful roles). The ‘reasons’ (excuses) we find, stop us from fulfilling our dreams, our goals, our purpose. When we limit ourselves in this way, chances are that we won’t want others to succeed in their outcomes either.
Self Awareness is key here! When I’m aware of my own needs and ability to fulfill those needs, I let go of expectations. When I’m aware of my own attitude – what I believe, what I think, what I see, what I say and what I do – I reclaim my Power. When I’m aware of my own Power – anything is possible and Self Care (true responsibility) is easy. This shift enables me to NOT focus on or judge what others are doing – allowing me to only pay attention to changing my own behaviour!!! The more I free myself from these limiting shackles, the more I invite and embrace change… Possibilities abound as I see magical opportunities everywhere I look and using my courage, I gladly take them 🙂
What I am constantly learning on my eternal search for truth and self discovery is this… When I diligently work towards self transformation, amazing things happen. There’s a paradox here – the more discipline, the more freedom! Therefore, the more I become aware of and share my own inner beauty and power, Believing and Trusting becomes absolutely possible because others will not be able to ‘steal’ my happiness 🙂
Question: What do I tell myself internally – I CAN… Or I can’t…; I deserve… Or I don’t?
Tip: Pay close attention to your inner dialogue. Each time you catch yourself saying ‘I can’t’, STOP!… Breathe!… And tell yourself ‘I CAN’… Then “just do it!”
Looking forward to hearing your experiences. Your stories are inspiring and help keep me on track too 🙂
Lots of love Annemarie