Hi everyone,

We had 6 days on the open road which was simply wonderful. Though I was looking forward to it, I was a bit apprehensive to leave Townsville as I had lost a bit of confidence. I used several Powers to work through some anxiety – Withdrawing, Packing Up, Facing and Believing to name a few. I regularly ‘withdrew’ to simply observe and to recharge. This allowed me to ‘pack up’ any wasteful or limiting thoughts about my own abilities (chronic pain can make you doubt yourself). My different Powers enabled me to ‘face’ several irrational fears head-on. Towing the caravan after being stationery for 7 months made me a bit nervous so I encouraged myself to step up and drive the first shift. This allowed me to fill myself with courage, giving the other fears a chance to step aside, which they did. I Believed I could do it and I DID it!

People often ask me how I stay ‘optimistic’ living with a chronic illness. When I ask them to clarify “optimistic” they actually mean ‘positive’. You see, in order to master our Powers it’s important to see and understand subtle differences, which teach us to see the contrast between many things. To recognise the contrast in our thoughts and in our attitude when being optimistic or positive, is important if we are to steer away from self sabotage. Undermining ourselves blurs our vision and focus, making successful change difficult and the Power to Believe unattainable.

Optimism is not wanting to see any ‘dangers’, but choosing ‘not to see’ can be a dangerous game best not to play. Pessimism is only seeing the ‘dangers’, blocking any possibility for newness – believing it will turn out bad anyway, we don’t even try! Positivity is based on Realism and Faith, it strengthens our Power to Believe – to dream BIG yet to stay grounded by co-operating with reality… It means I Believe that anything is possible and am prepared to take the necessary steps to get there. I remain positive because I am aware of any obstacles but am not influenced by them. Practicing my Power to Believe allows me to keep aiming for the stars while I let go of any outcome. Here’s some other examples of this wonderful Power…

— It’s been almost 3 years since leaving Sunshine Coast and Self Publishing ‘Will to Wonder’……….. I just sold my first print run :)- Though incredibly slow and met with many challenges – I Trusted and Believed – which gave me strength to keep going while letting go of the outcome.
— Since living ‘on the road’ I am continuously working on ways to expand our service and have tried many times to connect with like-minded services – with little to no response…….. Then 2 days ago came the news that Beyond Blue would like me to be one of their official Ambassadors 🙂
— Having planned and prepared our trip South enabled us to also let go of any outcomes – allowing us to deal with unforeseen things in a positive way. We lost precious water in free camping spots due to faulty (new) taps… The internal sliding door fell of it’s hinges… And it turned out we had no brakes on our caravan since Townsville – yet all turned out fine. Fortunately I had already booked our van in for a service on the Sunshine Coast before we left Townsville, we found out about the non-working brakes when we arrived (safely)! We were able to see these dramas as a fortune rather than an inconvenience – best it happened now rather than in the middle of nowhere – so were able to remain unaffected.
— Having experienced months of frustration trying to update the signage on our van – Trusting and Believing that it will happen when it is meant to – I decided to let go…. While waiting for our caravan to be serviced I noticed a new business two doors down… A place for signage!!! Thirty minutes later signage for caravan organized and booked in – with a bonus of an excellent quote that was well within our allowed budget. The money we saved paid for the unexpected repairs 🙂

A Saying from Oscar Wilde – “Two men behind prison bars; One sees mud the other sees stars”…

What do you choose to see – possibilities or obstacles?…

Questions to churn on:

– Do I believe in possibilities?… If not, why not?

– How can I utilise my Power to Believe in the wonder of life?

– What do I do to remain positive and light when life challenges me?

Lesson: I used to say (like most) I’ll believe it when I see it… NOW I say – BELIEVE it and I WILL see it!…..

Happy week everyone. We will be on the Sunshine Coast for the next 2 weeks. If any of you have not yet booked your seats for the upcoming free programs but would like to come along, remember to do so now – see www.willtowonder.com.au/events for details… And please tell anyone you know in case they wish to come too, no-one should miss out 🙂

Lots of love Annemarie

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