Hi Everyone,
Loving greetings from tropical Mackay. With the first part of our book tour over we are enjoying a few days rest after all the talks and travel. The response has been absolutely amazing, thanks so much to all of you who made it possible 🙂 And though the body is a bit achy and needing to once again adjust to the climate, I’m in a good head-space and feel content with all I have achieved. Now it’s time to rest, reflect, review and return back to basics for a few days to get a fresh perspective. Strategising is an important part of our life on the road and these ‘intermissions’ are invaluable, to economise our next movements and therefore our life. Planning, preparing, organising and then letting go of any expected outcomes is important if we want a smooth ride in life.
Being willing to stop is equally important as being willing to have a go. It doesn’t mean we have to do anything too drastic but to allow ourselves many baby steps as a means to step out of our comfort zone. For example, if traveling to India on your own is too frightening, don’t beat yourself up. Instead perhaps try some local travel till comfortable with the uncomfortable, then in time you can stretch your boundaries little bit by little bit. Getting annoyed with ourselves or frustrated is a waste of time because it only serves to make us feel inadequate. This power reminds us to be willing to be gentle with ourselves as we work our way towards self empowerment.
Thank you for your contributions – here they are…
– This power has “confirmed inner beliefs” for some of you. Recognising own personal situations where able to stay true to self, while using patience to see a positive outcome …………………….. (This is fantastic)
– Using this power to “let go and let God” and found “peace, silence and contentment” …………………….. (Love this!)
– For many, this power was a great reminder to empower and encourage them ……………………… (Wonderful)
– Learning to say “NO” and willing to embrace self care 🙂 ……………… (Beautiful!)
– Some became aware that they have “not been as willing to step out of their comfort zones as much as they would like”. Allowing “old stuff” to “hold them back” …………. (What a powerful recognition, be gentle with yourself)
– Some noticed that they “allowed life to spin them to a point of becoming unwilling”
……………………….. (Another amazing recognition, remember to pat yourself on the back and simply keep going 🙂
– “Allowing tiredness to control their willingness to change” and “allowing old negative thoughts to bring them down” …………….. (Tiredness has a way of sabotaging our work. Don’t let it win, don’t give it power. Just breathe and take one baby step forward).
‘See you’ all soon with our next amazing power to practice. Keep up the great work every-one. Would love to hear from the quieter members of this group, remember, we all have something to share
Lots of love Annemarie