“There is a part of you that is perfect and pure. It is filled with wisdom & so is a constant source of well-being. The total absence of conflict & negativity of any sort, makes this part of you a STILL POINT. Make time to reach this inner place of silence….. it will bring you untold benefit.”
Dadi Janki

Hi everyone,

Well, it’s been another interesting fortnight practicing this amazing Power. Firstly I would like to thank you all for such loving and supportive emails regarding my current situation, I’ve really appreciated it, but I hope to make one thing clear. When I share personal experiences, my intention is not to evoke concern or worry in another, I use these experiences as examples of what we can do and what we can conquer, when remaining true to our worth – our powers are there to help us – it’s up to us to strengthen them. I personally would be lost if I did not have my inner powers to draw on. I trust you are starting to recognize some within you too – no matter how weak they may still be (reason why we are studying our powers in the first place, right?). So another gentle reminder to show lots of love to yourself as you work through this process. We are all here to learn, to grow, to heal – together – noone gets left behind 🙂

So, it sounds like The Power of Silence has challenged all of us (how fortunate we are). We may not always see ‘tests’ as fortune, but it makes life easier and less complicated when we do. You see, when we take in information (study) we must apply what we learn or it will just get stored in the subconscious. When we make conscious effort to practice and apply them in life, tests come to serve us – how else will we know if we are passing?…

Here’s a simpler example of ‘tests’ where Silence is very powerful… On the weekend my partner and I went for a drive to Crystal Creek – a beautiful waterhole just North of Townsville. On our way home – relaxed and refreshed – a driver dangerously cut us off, without remorse. Because my partner had been very tired and stressed from work that week, an ‘old pattern’ emerged and he reacted in a negative way – he got angry, started to speed up and tail gate. I then felt an ‘old pattern’ emerge in me – I began reacting too and could feel myself getting annoyed at him (with all the itching and pain, my fuse too has been short). Recognizing a chain reaction however, I let the Power of Silence intervene. I took a breath and sat silently observing for a moment. Then gently the words formed “Power of Silence babe” that was all. The response was instant and nothing else needed to be said, he slowed down – and more importantly – he calmed down. In the past we may have argued, allowing it escalate and spoil our day – not now, we have our powers 🙂

The Power of Silence alone, can be used to cool down many real life situations, face them with Courage and Silence and you will transform them.

Here’s what others shared – your honesty is sooooo much appreciated 🙂

– Silence is difficult (some said ‘too hard’) but will continue to work on it… GOOD FOR YOU!!!
– Silence is blissful, can hear their own voice and voice of God / Spirit.
– Some find inspiration and their creativity in Silence – by stopping inner and outer noise.
– Some were forgetting to do work on themselves and were getting caught up.
– Many shared appreciation and inspiration of being part of this group.
– Recognition of the ‘silent treatment’ and understanding the difference between true silence 🙂
– Many insights gained through sitting in silence (not forcing situations by empowering themselves with silence)… WELL DONE!!
– Perseverance needed.
– Not responding or reacting immediately helps everyone grow.
– No ‘mind chatter’, simply being in ‘the zone’ with Spirit / God, feels very special
– Magical
– Able to help others through silence (by simply being there)

Have another wonderful week everyone. We are coming up to the ‘festive season’ but I will continue to draw Powers each fortnight. Christmas used to be a joyful experience, but these days it can create more stress than joy (for many different reasons) so keep your Powers close 🙂

Much love Annemarie

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