Power to be Resourceful – Part 2…
Hi EveryOne,

Hope you’re all enjoying this Power as much as I am. The arrival (for me personally) couldn’t have been more perfect in it’s timing. As you know, I am preparing for several Self Empowerment programs over the coming weeks and having just recovered from more bodily challenges – I’m absolutely loving this Power and the wonderful reminders it brings 🙂

Allowing inner resources to make up our attitude is essential if we want to be regularly ‘topped up’, to remain happy and enthusiastic. Our internal treasure store gives us resilience, courage and tolerance at the very least. Though there’s absolutely nothing wrong with using outer resources – they are there for us to use – but to become reliant on them is not such a good idea! Dependence on externals – be it people or products – diminishes our capacity to cope with day to day living and to cope with the world at large. Relying on external resources produces external ‘show’ without any depth… In a world where the focus is mainly on the external, discipline is definitely needed to tend to our inner resources – our strengths and qualities – in order to continually reap a bountiful harvest. You’ve heard the saying “use it or lose it” – if we don’t regularly ‘polish our inner treasures’, we lose our capacity to multiply them – we lose energy and we lose power. The path to true freedom is carved with self discipline and therein lies the paradox… Discipline is often seen as hard work, boring and even as control over others. Self discipline means to have power over the Self not over anyone else… And yes, it can be a challenge to discipline yourself but it’s well worth the effort, because when you are Self disciplined, you will have no need or desire to control others 🙂

Inner resources don’t diminish when used like outer resources. On the contrary when regularly using our inner resources the more ‘fruit’ we accumulate.. More over, the fruit is almost instantaneous. Outer resources need constant replenishing and often need additional resources which draws more expenditure… For example, to use a computer we need more than just the computer. Not only are we paying for our computer, we are also paying for electricity and connection to the internet, if we want it to function effectively. Money runs out if we don’t consistently replace it, the ironic twist is that the world completely revolves around it and we’ve come to believe that we can’t survive without it. Fortunately we can create a strong mind with strong willpower in order to either live within our means or to create more money… BUT no amount of money can create a stronger mind. So which is more powerful?…

Questions to churn on:

How much time do I waste, chasing after external happiness?

When am I happiest – when I rely on others or when I rely on my inner resources?

– What can I do to create Self discipline?

We need outer resources but it’s fundamental that we keep continually strengthen our inner resources. We can then happily use outer ‘stuff’ without ever becoming dependent on it!… The more we accumulate inside, the more our external world will work according to our inner power. Stop trying to fill a ‘cup’ that’s constantly leaking, instead work on strengthening your inner environment so your sturdy ‘full cup’ will always overflow 🙂

I look forward to receiving your contributions… Thank you to those who have already responded – keep up the fantastic work.

Happy Resource Day, Lots of love Annemarie

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