Hi everyone, As we approach the end of another month and another power, lets stop and reflect… How am I going so far? Am I applying my powers as much as I possibly can? Is the current Power to be Present reminding me to SEE and appreciate the little things in life? Am I feeling at the very least, a small shift happening within and around me? How do I know – what’s the evidence?
However much effort I put into my own self nurturing, self healing and self growth will be evident instantly (no matter how small) and becomes more obvious as I move towards my aim – the end result. It pays to NOT see ‘effort’ as ‘laboring’ or ‘hard work’ or being ‘put through the grind’ – as some dictionaries suggest – that just makes you believe that it will be hard to change… And guess what, it will be! No, see effort as (Ef = Effect and Fort = Strength) – to use my own strength to effect change. You will know when it is working and you are even succeeding in your quest, by the behavior of those around you and your reaction or response towards them. Being Present makes it much easier to see and do, because I’m able to remain true to me without evoking resistance in others.
Here’s what others have shared so far – thank you 🙂
– Love it when present – everything is clear
– Ability to lovingly tell everything to go away and leave me be in my own space for a bit.
– Some feel closer to God and conscious of receiving help.
– Awareness of the need to consistently practice — This is just sooo wonderful!
– Ability to give people and situations my full attention.
– Ability to hear inner voice.
– Clearer vision and ability to make better quality choices — Congratulations, that’s fantastic.
– Ability to let go and eliminate waste – wasteful thoughts, words and actions — A powerful practice in itself.
Keep up the powerful work – see you all on Monday with another Power to practice 🙂
Happy weekend. Much love Annemarie