Power to be Practical – Part 2…

Hi EveryOne,

Hope you are doing well. You know, an opportunity is presenting itself globally, right now, to check in your life what practical changes are visible. What proof is there in your world right now, that you are transforming back to your original form of peace and love and bliss? Are your relationships improving? Do you stay motivated to keep changing? In a world of so much violence, do you remain practical and practice non-violence at home, by no longer ‘beating yourself up’?

Practicality means to do as I say so that when I say I value myself, I better show it in my every action. That even when I’m lying in bed, working through a ‘flare’ – as I am today – I can remain happy and calm instead of beating up on myself. Life is made up of many contrasts, contradictions and compromise – but do I have to buy into that?… No, I don’t!… So rather than to see today as a wasted day (as I can always find something ‘important’ to keep me ‘busy’ 🙂 I can instead enjoy the rest the body needs. I can use this ‘down’ time to give myself some time out. It’s of no use becoming emotional – emotions can render us unconscious – I don’t want to add to the pain so I need to stay conscious. If I unconsciously let frustration or self pity in, anxiety levels increase and the pain levels also instantly rise. This is not to be hard on myself but to keep the door to irrational emotion firmly shut. This in itself is a practical move as I am aware that to leave the door ajar – even a fraction – is to invite self sabotage. Being Practical means I choose the path of least resistance and in a world of quick fixes, this may take some effort in itself. However, in the long run this becomes the healthier and wiser choice! Resting in bed for a day is much easier and more productive, rather than to resist it and suffer for a week.

Being practical is a wonderful Power to practice Self Care as a means to not entertain any doubt, self criticism or insecurities. It helps me remain part of any solution, as opposed to becoming part of and possibly increasing the anguish of any problem. Being practical means I stay creative with the choices on hand, rather than distress over situations I cannot control.

Questions to churn on:

Do my words match my actions consistently? If not, why not?…

Do I let irrational emotion get in the way of remaining practical? Why?…

– Am I creative with my choices or do I distress over what I can’t control?

Lesson: Remaining practical lessens the pain of any situation. Helplessness and hopelessness renders us incapable of making any practical contribution – instead of being part of a solution, we can easily become part of a problem… The pain levels increase and so do the levels of the problem.

Have a wonderful safe Christmas. I know this may not be an easy time to contribute your stories but the Power to be Practical means to simply keep going… Remember, what you put into your own self transformation is what you get out of it – so I look forward to your contributions 🙂

Lots of love Annemarie

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