Power to be Humble…

Power Humble

Hi everyone,

Yet another Power that I’ve come to absolutely love. The more I show self respect in my life the less I feel the need to ‘prove’ myself – the less I seek approval or validation. Though not always an easy one to apply,  this power does make it simple to recognise instantly if I am being True to my own value or not. Once I am aware that I’m not valuing myself –  perhaps through martyrdom, guilt or lack of self control – I must instantly change my attitude or else will not learn the ‘lesson’ and the negative, self destructive cycles will continue. Compromising my own power to save, to please, to impress, compete, control or to fit in with others are signs of lacking self respect. When self respect is missing – humility will remain elusive.

Our 15th Power is the 8th Jewel – Power to be Humble – page 65….

‘To look in the mirror with honesty
gives me a powerful ability
to remain elevated and above the crowd,
and for maximum stability.
To remain clear and never judge another…
this greatness is called Humility.’

** The Power to be Humble is the ability to be aware of my own strengths and limitations, accepting my own journey and those of others without enforcing my beliefs or trying to change others.  Humility reminds me of the greatness that lies within while remaining humble and incognito. Humility only comes with experience – not through lip service and definitely not through ‘borrowing’ the experiences of others – no, humility is earned through constantly living in self respect. Learning through experience allows me to re-connect with my own worth and live accordingly without needing to proof myself to anyone, but to gently and consistently behave in a ‘royal’ way.

** I am the Empress… I walk tall in my power, enabling me to be flexible and to bend easily – giving others a helping hand up. I do not need to proof myself as I am happy and content with the role I play. I know my inner power and never abusing it, I happily share it – keeping me humble at all times. I am respected by all because I practice self respect – I have gained wisdom through applying what I have learned and do not need recognition.

Supporting Virtues: Detached, Benevolent, Compassionate, Broad-minded, Generous

A True Empress/Emperor is never submissive or obtrusive, but always looks for ways to remain respectful of self, of others and of life.
Royalty means to always stay on solid ground. When jumping in quicksand to ‘save’ another shows dis-respect to all.
Regularly take yourself out of your comfort zone, to see the world from different angles.

Questions to churn:
Do I keep my self respect when respecting others (in other words do I remain true to my own value while valuing others?
Do I remain ‘royal’ by staying on solid ground or do I jump in to ‘save’ others?
Do I fluctuate between arrogance and low self esteem?  Why?

To be Humble means that I do not fluctuate if someone defames me or praises me. Humility allows me to remain beyond any chains of superiority or inferiority – both paths leading to self doubt – I understand that I AM good enough, always have been good enough and always will be good enough… The only difference is that now I BELIEVE it!

Happy practicing everyone, keep sending those amazing stories of self-victory through, others benefit more than you will know.  Lots of love Annemarie xx

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