Hi everyone, how are you all going with the Power to be Humble?…
Humility has been a good reminder for me this week for different reasons. Firstly, supporting many souls to make change in their life on a daily basis, means I need to constantly check myself. Having experienced much pain in my life, both physically and emotionally, it’s all too easy to want to eleviate the pain of others – humility reminds me that is NOT my role. Everyone has their own story and though they may be searching for ways to change it, doesn’t mean they are ready or even willing to do so. This wonderful power keeps me on solid ground, preventing me from doing a great disservice to all including myself, by falling back into the rescuer role.
I also find that humility keeps me true and honest so I can look in the mirror with clarity. My life seems to be one of many extremes and changes but these days I handle it easier, allowing me to enjoy a smoother ride in life. Being open to change and trusting that all will be ok no matter what, is the most humbling of all. I’ve just had confirmation from my Rheumatologist that my tenacious effort in healing naturally is paying off. Though there are clear signs of osteoarthritis, the inflammation has reduced dramatically. This is great news as we settle back into the humidity of Townsville – yet as I’m writing this, I’m getting ready to fly to Melbourne tomorrow to tend to my ailing mother so my sisters get a well deserved break… Humility lets me go with the flow 🙂
To truly understand myself and life, I must constantly practice my many powers – not just when it suits me or when times are tough. Without this continual personal experience humility is not easily achieved and self respect will always be lacking. Humility reminds me that I have walked many roads and understand the journey at hand – meaning I will never judge another but will support them to find a more life-nurturing way – if they choose to. Humility is such a beautiful balancing power – to not be arrogant or submissive but to be equal in my thoughts, words and actions. Never needing to prove or explain myself, I do not impose on others nor do I shrink away. I walk strong in my power – never ‘saving’ anyone but always ready to serve those who truly wish to be served.
Questions to churn on today:
— Where in my life do I still look for ways to prove or explain myself to others?…
— Do I remain calm and flexible because I understand and accept that life can bring chaos? If not, how can humility help me to remain balanced?…
— Do I remain approachable at all times so others can take support?…
Looking forward to hearing your experiences in practicing humility 🙂
Lots of love, Annemarie xx

Before this information I would have found it strange to associate the qualities of humility and being powerful in the same person. I have always viewed humility as a valuable attribute, but not really considered it a strong one. I loved discovering that it takes strength to be honest and truthful in my communication and actions with others. It is also something that I have been checking quite alot this week. Am I speaking the truth? Not always – sometimes I say what I think other people want to hear and other times I say things to avoid confrontation or the need to set personal boundaries with others. I am still trying to please others and avoiding the necessity to set clear boundaries with others. I really don’t like saying ‘no’ sometimes…
So beautiful, thanks Tracey for sharing your understanding of Power to be Humble, your contribution is very valuable. Through helping ourselves in a way of contributing our experiences in life, we help others more than we realise. Keep up the fantastic work. Love Annemarie xx