Power to be Flexible – Part 2…

Hi EveryOne,

Firstly thank you to those who have already responded. Some great aims were shared (including strengthening this Power) as an attempt to stop making the same mistake twice – I look forward to sharing it with you in part 3. So what are the rest of you discovering about Flexibility? Is it making life lighter when you consciously work on being flexible in your thoughts and attitude? I find it’s extremely helpful.

As most of you know, we’ve been living ‘on the road’ for over 4 years now and have changed direction many times. Last November we again changed direction and temporarily moved into a furnished house in Townsville for 6 months. The house is lovely and it’s wonderful to have the company of my son while we are here, but being open to change is a key factor in remaining flexible, tolerant and co-operative. The humidity has been testing my body and discipline has been eluding me somewhat so flexibility has been a wonderful power to practice… Letting go is liberating 🙂

Flexibility comes easy when we know and accept that there’s a reason and a season for all things. Everyone and everything has a purpose – a reason – for existence. We may not know how something works or why someone is behaving in a particular way. We may not know what’s going to happen around any given corner or when or how, but just knowing and accepting means to practice the Power of Flexibility! You know, needing to know too many details is to go into expansion which is an instant route to stress – needing to know too much creates expectation and ultimately disappointment. Going into expansion of every single thing makes life incredibly complicated, chaotic, confusing and fearful. Sure, sometimes in order to plan certain situations we may need a few more details, but for the most, we just need to trust and flexibility gives us that leap of faith. Letting go of our need to know everything means we let go of control, allowing us to flow with the laws of cause and effect. Not only will our life lighten up but the lives of those around us will improve immensely. Understanding and accepting that for every action there’s a consequence (or a reaction) allows me to be clear about my own responsibilities – my own failures as well as my own victories!

Flexibility is a true strength because it allows me to keep a clear aim while enabling me to detour and change direction at short notice as often as necessary – without frustration and without losing motivation or losing sight of the bigger picture. There’s no if’s, no but’s, no maybe’s – it’s simple, it’s clear, it’s effective! The clearer I get on my purpose, the more flexible I become (not passionate) but flexible. Passion is often mistaken for Power – when we step on people to get what we want, that’s passion. When we bend over to help others up along our path of success, that’s Power! Power means when I change, the world changes! Power to be Flexible – as with any of my Virtues – lets me be true to ME without disrespecting others. It allows me to continually strengthen myself without reinforcing a weakness in anyone else. Getting clear on my purpose is what keeps me flexible!

Questions to churn on:

– Do you know and accept your purpose?…

– How can you stay true to your purpose while re-routing when called upon – without causing sorrow to others?…

– Am I still trying to control people and situations?…

Flexibility is a strength. It allows me to be true to ME without disrespecting others. It allows me to change direction and keep going at the same time.

Looking forward to receive your stories. Let me know how you are moving along with this Power. Is it helping in your life? Are you noticing a difference – no matter how slight?

Lots of love Annemarie

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