Hi everyone,

I’ve had some lovely responses already. Thank you for sharing how much you love this Power and how it helps you not get bogged down but instead are able to help uplift the atmosphere. That’s just so wonderful to hear 🙂 You know, feeling cheerful for no particular reason but just enjoying life and all it’s contrasts, is a powerful way to live life. That’s not to say that life is always smooth but to remain cheerful regardless, is an Art and definitely a Power worthy of having in your tool-belt of life. There’s beauty everywhere – even in the mundane – when we allow the joy of our limitless imagination to flow free. But how do we maintain this feeling?

For me, it’s about remaining as present as I can be – not always easy but definitely worth making effort for. Exploring the deeper possibilities of remaining light and easy becomes possible through consistent practice and meditation. Meditation is a form of positive thinking and remaining positive allows me to remain cheerful. Catching myself seeing or thinking about something in a negative way, allows me to check and change myself and enables me to see the benefit instead. Rather than contribute to a problem by getting pulled into negativity, I can be part of a solution by being cheerful. It’s all too easy to notice and start focusing on what we don’t have or what others are doing or not doing, remaining cheerful prevents me from being drawn into a vacuum of destruction and sabotage.

Cheerfulness like Enthusiasm, spreads like wild sunflowers in the desert. ‘Sunflower’ is a name I chose to call my ‘inner child’ at a beautiful weekend retreat recently, for this very reason. Sunflowers have the power to uplift and brighten, no matter how dry or desolate the scene appears. When we choose to be cheerful even if the skies are grey, wonderful opportunities abound. Being invited to co-facilitate ‘Awaken Your Inner Child’ is just one example. Encouraging others to show their loving side (often hidden to many) is another example of practicing being Cheerful 🙂

Questions to churn on:

– How can the Power to be Cheerful help in my current life situation?

– Do I find it easier to be complain or be cheerful? Why?

– Do I uplift others or do I wait for others to cheer me up?

Lesson: Cheerfulness can lighten a very heavy load… It feels inclusive and therefore can even safe the life of another 🙂

Experiment with all your amazing Powers. Cheerfulness is a little easier to practice than many of our other Powers however, this is not the case for many. If you are one who struggles with this Power, don’t believe your own thoughts when you tell yourself there must be something wrong with you. There’s nothing wrong with you, you may just need to explore a little deeper till you recognize that amazing beauty within you. And when you do, you will automatically feel cheerful and you will definitely want to share that possibility with others – it would almost be impossible to keep it to yourself! In the meantime however, be gentle and loving to yourself

Lots of love Annemarie

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