Hi everyone,
Time = change and change = life… A flower never stays the same, it continually changes from seed to sapling to bud to flower back to seed…
Hope you are all going well as we enter the month of February. Where does the time go?… Have you been using your time constructively and seen any positive changes for yourself and those around you – no matter how small? It’s no good simply talking about change, we must be willing to commit to the task – which takes effort, courage, determination and enthusiasm. Understanding that time means change and change means life, we begin to accept and even trust the ‘drama’, then change becomes possible. Recognizing that each plays a different role allows me to let go of being responsible for the behaviors of others. I cannot change anyone else – only myself!
Living our life with these basic principles, we can appreciate and even learn to truly tolerate (not put up with) the role of another, just as we learn to appreciate our own role. This stops us from getting caught in the web of someone else’s insecurities and negative emotions, as well as our own.
Though it’s been a tough 2 weeks since arriving in Busselton, I am still able to smile and love being here 🙂 Climatising to the dry weather (as opposed to humidity) as well as the body recovering from the travel, has been a challenge – to not jump in and instantly start ‘work’. However, I’m always grateful to learn from these situations while appreciating the opportunities to strengthen my Powers 🙂 And even though I still have set-backs, I just get stronger and stronger each day. As I learn to Appreciate each given moment I become the flower constantly transforming itself – how about you?…
Here are your contributions, thank you again for sharing – I love reading your stories 🙂
— Many find inspiration in the emails as an opportunity to share, inspire and be inspired…… (Fantastic – I feel inspired too 🙂
— Some were able to use Appreciation to turn a negative situation into a positive experience………… (WonderFull!!!)
— Some Accepted and Appreciated the fact that they cannot change others, ONLY themselves………. (This is very empowering)
— Using Appreciation to strengthen their hard-earned peace, rather than allow others to ‘take it away’…….. (Great Power)
— Appreciating the sounds they hear each morning and ‘giving thanks for that simple moment’….. (Beautiful)
— Many are Appreciating their families more as they begin to Appreciate themselves…….. (I love this!)
— Appreciating being in the moment – traveling one minute, stationary and without transport the next…… (I can relate to this – a great testing arena 🙂
— Using Appreciation to help rise to the next level of awareness……. (Well Done!)
— Some recognized they do Appreciate how good they have it but don’t cope too well when things aren’t going their way…… (great recognition, now do something different)
‘See you’ all next week with our next Power – lots of love always, Annemarie