Hi everyone, what are you experiencing when you apply your Power to Adjust?… I realise some of you are having difficulties with this Power – perhaps I can clarify a bit. Firstly, remember to think about what you want, not about what you don’t want. Consciously choosing to Adjust myself is not the same as ‘having to accommodate others’, that is a disempowering understanding and leads to people-pleasing, often resentful behavior – a.k.a the doormat. Playing the role of a doormat is NOT exercising my Power to Adjust instead, as a slave of martyrdom I ‘rescue’ others while wanting them to validate me – it disempowers me, it makes me rigid and inflexible – the opposite to adjusting and moulding (the opposite to what I want)! Changing my perspective of any situation changes how I respond to it, so awareness is the key. Awareness means to know I can’t give away something I don’t have (if I am empty of happiness I am unable to give it). If on the other hand I continuously strengthen my virtues, I will have plenty to share around – constantly filled with love, clarity and charity, I am able to give freely without ever needing a return.
I used to be a doormat but one thing I’ve learned for certain about inner power – USE it or LOSE it – the choice is truly mine. What I’m noticing is that the more I focus on my different Powers (keep filling myself from the inside) as opposed to rescuing others and being a doormat (keep ‘giving’ from an empty space) – the more I am able to ‘adjust’ in life without compromising myself – but of course this takes practice, so please be gentle. No matter how flexible and accommodating I may think I am, the Power to Adjust will always call me out (test me) to see if this is true. The more I see these tests as opportunities, the easier I am able to adjust myself and accommodate others.
Questions to churn on today:
— Do I accept and accommodate or do I give-in and behave like a doormat?…
— Am I truly flexible and able to mould myself? Or do I feel justified in being upset, in pitying or doubting, in blaming or getting angry, in resenting, frustration or impatience?
— How often do I apply my different Powers? Do I exercise at least one of my Powers, at least once a day?
Using your imagination you can see what a doormat is used for, if you don’t wish to play this role anymore simply imagine something nicer. When you feel any negative emotion rising while giving/doing for others, you may still be playing the doormat – which still comes from an empty space. Too busy pleasing, controlling or conforming to others leaves no space to exercise your virtues and so a negative pattern of emptiness continues – always looking out for ways to be filled full… Now imagine a basket of fragrant, colorful, ripe, juicy, fruit – the basket is always full – this is you, the Giver, whose ever-succulent, self-replenishing basket is always abundant and overflowing. As the Giver, you give without seeking a return – you are full and have plenty to share… And the more you share, the more you receive!…
When I can Adjust and Accommodate without any emotions of ‘I’m being taken advantage of’ I know that I have conquered this power 🙂
Have a wonderful weekend everyone 🙂
Lots of love, Annemarie xx