Power to Accept – Part 4….

Hi everyone,

As we reach the end of another Power – after many ‘opportunities’ to strengthen and refine Acceptance – today is a wonderful and fresh new day 🙂

It’s been incredibly hot and humid in Townsville and my body has once again gone into a flare, as it works through different climates. Unable to leave our caravan for the past week I was hit with another severe heat rash, fatigue and pain – while we currently face several other challenges head-on. But you know, it’s all ok – I Accept that somewhere along my path, I asked for these challenges to come and test my progress – so I know I will succeed 🙂

When make ourselves believe that we have Accepted a situation, there will always be anguish attached to that decision as it is based on inner falsehood – perhaps something I do not yet wish to see. Resisting or ‘putting up with stuff’ brings chaos and destruction, Acceptance brings Clarity and Calm – it means to Succeed and Succeeding means to Accept!… Here are your wonderful contributions and remember, simply keep going – one baby step at a time……

— Some struggled with Acceptance – unable to define the distinct but fine line between Acceptance and resistance……………… (When we accept there is calm, but when we resist there is anguish – remember to be gentle with yourself as change is a process, it takes time).

— Some are noticing a slight change in family matters due to their Acceptance of the situation – aware of their own responsibilities…………………….. (That’s fantastic!)

— Several shared changes at work with work colleagues due to their Acceptance and letting go of situations……………………… (This is so wonderful keep up the great work – even if you don’t see much change – as change will always be there no matter how subtle 🙂

— Some are seeing changes in their other Powers as they Accept certain things about themselves……………………. (all I can do is smile 🙂 🙂 🙂

— Acceptance helps them deal more easily and positively with situations………………

— Many felt they have been the cause of great change in their life and some felt they were still the effect of the change that happened around them, where others still related to both circumstances. Those who felt they were the cause, all mentioned growth, change and ability to move forward better and easier………. (Yes, that’s so great 🙂

— Many understood that they can’t control others, which helps them Accept situations easier. Still some felt others were forced to change because of them…………….. (Such wonderful recognitions, remember, no-one can force anyone to change – it’s a choice 🙂

— Some felt Acceptance doesn’t get easier (that it’s a constant ‘uphill battle’)……………….. (From my experience, this means I have not truly accepted something. When it’s truly Accepted, I let go and anguish disappears and I feel calm about that situation)

— Some felt ‘there has to be another way’…………………………. (If we can’t go around it and we can’t keep avoiding it, then we must work through it – from my experience, Acceptance is the easiest way 🙂

— Many are appreciating this opportunity to be able to work through and strengthen their own Powers – though many still struggle to Accept that they actually have these Powers ……………………….. (When we Accept and work with our own Powers, your eyes and ears will be amazed as ‘magic’ will be experienced 🙂

Let me try to be clear on something. Acceptance does NOT mean that I won’t have ups and downs in life – that’s life – how I handle the ride is up to me!… It means having a positive attitude towards life and remaining flexible regarding all that’s happening. I will know when I am truly over someone or something, when I no longer experience any inner conflict when they come into my mind. When we carry guilt for example, that’s suppressing not Accepting – we will feel discomfort in some part of our body which we quickly try to cover up. When we continue to experience angry emotions over a past injustice – no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves we’re over it – anguish will be felt somewhere in our body. And when we sabotage our own ‘starring roles’ then don’t let others to step into theirs – that’s not Acceptance, that’s fear’s projections. So gently check every corner of your own life to ensure honesty of heart – it takes practice to be truly honest with ourselves, but is the only path to Spiritual Respect. Be true to you and Acceptance will become easier 🙂

See you all with next month’s Power – I look forward to sharing it.
Much Love Annemarie

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