Power of Simplicity – part 3
Power Simplicity
Hi everyone, thank you for sharing your stories of inspiration, by the sounds of things Simplicity also challenged yet inspired you. Simplicity has always been one of my favorite and ‘easier’ powers (so I thought – never rest on your laurels :)… I certainly had to re-think many things in my own attitude this past fortnight as I was allowing life’s obstacles to take hold of the better part of me – allowing complications to shake me awake. However, this doesn’t mean I gave up – quitting is simply not an option for me – remaining open to opportunities and possibilities that life presents us on a daily basis is more important. I had to make lots of effort to return to the safety of simplicity in my life. Getting caught up in complications and difficulties is certainly not my intention but there it is – I did get caught up and I did lose (give away) my power temporarily – Silence has once again been my best friend.

As I took myself away to Dicky Beach (old favorite place), I instantly felt calm as I placed my bare feet on the coarse sand, allowing the shining sun to melt my upturned face and the gentle wind to caress my hair. As I surrendered to calm and allowed myself to feel the beauty of simplicity, a magical thing happened. The clouds began to distribute their load and rain came falling from the sky. I felt the drops wash over me cleansing all the negativity, as I imagined the accumulated rubbish flowing back out to sea. I could ‘feel‘ the ‘emotional bruises’ disappear as I allowed myself to simply absorb love… Love for the Self, Love for others, Love for nature… I felt blessed and oh so fortunate – grateful for the lessons and appreciating my own power – my own ability to transform any unwanted emotion. One of the simplest ways to remain happy is to forgive myself – only then I can forgive others. Forgiving simply means allowing myself to let go of anything that makes me sad…. A colorful rainbow appeared as I drank in all of life’s beauty 🙂

Below I once again share your powerful experiences and courageous attitudes – keep up the WonderFULL work 🙂

– Awareness of past ‘pleasing others’ behavior that sometimes still arises, but simplicity helps keep things uncomplicated.
– Allowing Self to drop old behaviors through Simplicity, while becoming independent – taking care of the self and simply paying attention and not allowing self to get caught up…. (Well Done!)
– Being challenged by the negativity of others – not becoming ‘colored’ by the behavior of others is the trick. Also helps recognise what is ‘theirs’ and what is ‘ours’ – using the Power of Self Respect to give self permission to step away was simple……. (Discernment was obvious here, pat yourself on the back 🙂
– When things become complicated, worked out what to do about it and focused on that, rather than react and act from a place of negativity, worry, anxiety etc….. (Excellent, and yes I’ve taken this on board 🙂
– Keeping things simple is key for all of us – being content is good companion to simplicity. Allowing to not let things become complicated – paying attention to ‘warning bells’ – to stop running around and simply do something simple and enjoyable instead…….. (love this 🙂
– Challenging for some as old demons rose up – allowing self to become ill – but allowing silence to bring them back to presence – enabling self to contemplate on simple things. Appreciating those around them who TRULY care…… (We often lose sight of this when things get complicated – well recognized 🙂
– Recognition that ‘I’ can make things difficult or easy, light and carefree – consciously choosing the latter………(Wonderful – very liberating) 
– Allowing self to remain Simple – using Simplicity as ‘Key” – allowing Self to be ‘Key’ to own self respect – ridding self of self loathing, anger, greed and allowing self to experience much better quality of life…………. (This is simply amazing)
– Simply looking inside – recognition of own TOOLS – allowing Courage to Co-operate 🙂
– Others also allowed self to experience the simplicity of walking in the rain…………. (No words for this, I’m simply smiling from ear to ear as I read this)
– Recognizing the POWER in PLAYING – to be the Child as well as the Master……….. (Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!)

Thank you all again for your amazing courage – we are each finding our own way of growing resilience through our individual powers (much simpler than learning the ‘painful’ way). I also want to congratulate each of you for understanding that we don’t just have to rely on one power but that we have the right to apply many simultaneously to help us through any tough spots 🙂

Lots of love, light and blessings to you all, Annemarie

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