Power of Self Confidence – Part 3…

Hi Everyone,

It’s been an emotionally tough week. Working through some very painful issues I’ve again been reminded that others may judge our decisions – but that doesn’t make us wrong or them right. Still, we allow them to interfere with our Self Confidence as we begin to doubt ourselves. You know, many appear to be loving non-conformists yet are invisible culprits in bullying others – so again I had to dig deep and check my own reactions, irrational emotions and attitude. As anger, hurt and frustration rose to the surface, I had to draw on several Powers, in particular, Power to Discern to see things for what they really were and to not buy into the rubbish nor contribute to it. When we buy the rubbish of others we make it our own, which at some point we want to ‘payback’ and thus the cycle of violence continues. This reminded me that until my ability is such that I can use the right Power at the right time, I must practice and practice and practice – life has a way of testing our progress. So no use kidding myself, self righteousness is an attitude I choose not to feed. If we use our Powers incorrectly we simply remain vulnerable to our own past hurts and under the control of others as they dictate the terms.

It’s funny, we all try so hard to be different yet if we don’t pay attention, we end up the same as everyone else. Busily feeding our low self esteem with ‘justified anger’ while trying to control those around us – all we succeed in is making ourselves easy targets. If someone is insistent on wanting subtle control, they risk being a manipulator dressed in a victims costume – a ‘role’ I do not wish to play nor contribute to in others. It pays to stay spiritually strong no matter what others deem ‘acceptable’. Using our many Powers, we can slowly but surely uplift ourselves from this emotional quagmire that keeps us weighed down. Because when practicing self love, we cannot conform to the physical falsehood or bullying of others, no matter how tempting it is to please them or win their approval. If we compromise our own spiritual worth to be validated by someone else, punishment will never stop and love will remain conditional (if you’re good, you’ll get).

When diligently practicing our Powers, Confidence is abundant and we never need to question ourselves. So when all is said and done and we’ve tried to make things right in any given situation, we must practice mercy, to give others a chance to do the same. They, like us have a choice! Our Power of Tolerance reminds us that we cannot control how others choose to respond, only how we respond, ensuring our own Power of Confidence. Others may not like it, but when we stop playing ‘the game of anger’ and replace it with love, only then can true healing begin.

Question: Do I let the bullying of others shake my confidence by second-guessing my own decisions and choices?

Tip: Hurt people will hurt people – unless the cycle is broken. Don’t continue the pain pattern by colluding in the hurt of others or feeding your own hurt. Rise above it, no matter how difficult and no matter what others think! You have the Power – USE it or LOSE it!

Look forward to hear your stories and responses – thank you to those already, sent in 🙂

Lots of love Annemarie

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